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Set of Officiator.Title expanding
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By Erhardt Stiefel - Monday, April 8, 2013
How can I expand the set of Officiator.Titles by a titel in my language e.g. Pfarrer which is something like Pastor?
Its not possible to type a new title in the marked field.
As soon as I type a character in the previous emptied field and the character is part of given title of the set then the title is inserted in the field an cannot be overtyped.
By Erhardt Stiefel - Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Why don't you give me an answer to my question? Meanwhile I bought GenoPro 2016 but the problem is still there ...
By Jordi-Albert - Tuesday, July 26, 2016
You can see all the options from "officiator" if you go to menu: "language" "Translate Enumerations" und pick the "officiators dialog" 
(Sprache / Auszählungen Übersetzen/ Officiator)

on this window you can adapt the titles to your necesities if don't really mean what you think... 
on other cases, may be you need to say what you need, and may be they will implement it
By maru-san - Tuesday, July 26, 2016
According to Wikipedia Pastor and Pfarrer have the same meaning, but are used in different parts of Germany. It is not a good idea to change this in the language settings, since this will not only change your settings but all others, who use German through the language setting(upload and download). Make adjustments in your dictionary file.