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requesting academic key
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By voicesllc - Monday, January 27, 2014
Hello- I teach a class each spring on family therapy and submitted a request for an academic key for the students to try the genopro program.  I have not received an email with the information.  I did ask for a personal trial key (for 15 day use) to update my current genogram to show an example in class.  Is this interfering with the ability to get the academic key?  If so, is there a way to cancel it so that I can get the academic key for the class?  Thanks for your help. 
By GenoProSupport - Monday, February 3, 2014
Feel free to distribute the following key 5LQ-FQW-AYC-YZD-TMP to your class. This key is valid for 6 months.  If you need an additional key, just send us a message.
By 1365508 - Saturday, February 8, 2014
I was provided with an academic key and now it tells me it is invalid. I have planned to purchase this system as I will be using it after class completes, however thus far, not sure I want to. I have spent a half an hour just trying to find someplace to make this post. no phone number available for customer service. If I am unable to speak with someone or be permitted to use the academic key, why would I want to purchase Genopro?