By Dnalor - Friday, February 20, 2015
Is a user license a one-time payment or should I pay annualy?
By appleshaw - Friday, February 20, 2015
It can be hard to believe but it is a one time payment
By jcmorin - Tuesday, February 24, 2015
yes, one time and valid forever!
By moun_dmh - Thursday, March 12, 2015
I work in an administration and members asked to work with genepro. As I understood, they would create several trees with no more than 25 persons. Is the free version enough?
By jcmorin - Thursday, March 12, 2015
Yes, you can use GenoPro for less than 25 individuals, just close the popup dialog when GenoPro start.
By moun_dmh - Monday, October 8, 2018
We are a hospital and want to install a site version for different doctors and medical students tu study patients family trees in psychiatry. We are wondering if we would qualify for buying an unlimited Academic site licence ($395 USD) ?
Thank you for your reply
Best regards,
By GenoProSupport - Monday, October 8, 2018
Yes, your hospital is welcome to purchase our academic site license. With this license, all professors, students and clients/patients are welcome to install GenoPro for work, school and/or personal projects such as genealogy.
By moun_dmh - Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Thanks Could you give us a preliminary estimate so that we order?This estimate should be sent to Mme Geraldine GICQUEL, Directrice des systèmes d'Information et des Telecommunications |
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, October 11, 2018
Great! I sent an email to both of you
By moun_dmh - Monday, November 19, 2018
Gentlemen, Thanks for your commercial offer Please be informed that, as a public hospital, what we need to move forward at this stage is a formalized detailed estimate with an estimate number and all details about the price of the different basic andoptional services which are provided according to your estimate Thanks in advance for your cooperation Best regards
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, November 22, 2018
On October I sent to Mme Geraldine GICQUEL
By CegepDeJonquiere - Monday, January 28, 2019
Is it still true that the license is perpetual even for education?
Best regards.
By appleshaw - Monday, January 28, 2019
If you look at earlier posts of this topic you will see that the existing GenoPro is a one time payment for the existing software. The version in development will have a different charging structure
By GenoProSupport - Friday, February 1, 2019
Yes, all licenses of GenoPro 2018 are perpetual. The academic site license is good for all professors and students of the academic institution.
By Leeds - Friday, March 1, 2019
Hi I work for local government and one of the team has been a longterm user of GenoPro. But they are all on 2007 license. They havespecifically asked to move onto 2017 license - how can they get this and isthere a cost involved? Kind regards Leeds
By WadeMahoney - Thursday, March 14, 2019
Hi GenoPro Support/Legendary Master.
At the risk of repeating a question previously posted. I am seeking clarification as to whether the Not For Profit Organisation I represent qualifies for the purchase of an unlimited Academic Licence ($395 US) . We provide case management to children and young people in foster care and children, young people and adults with disabilities across NSW, Australia. Unfortunately we are not in a position to afford the quoted $1795 US for an unlimited site licence. Almost all of our service users generally do, or have, at some point in their lives felt totally isolated from and within their families, community and broader society. The creation of family tree's for our service users is a key way in which we connect people to their family, culture and heritage, community and wider society in order to foster a sense of belonging. Some of our staff have trialed (the free version) GenoPro and love it's features. |
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Dear Wade, I sent you a private email for your site license.
By 2098356 - Wednesday, May 6, 2020
hi, can licenses be shared amongst a small team? and are licenses an annual cost or a one off payment? finally, are there any cost reductions for a non-profit mental health charity? thank you!
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, May 7, 2020
hi, can licenses be shared amongst a small team? and are licenses an annual cost or a one off payment? finally, are there any cost reductions for a non-profit mental health charity? Usually a user license is for one user, however if your users are sharing the same computer, then the license is tied to the computer. For instance, a computer in a library has one license and multiples users. If a user has multiples computers, such as a computer at home and at work, then the same license may be used on those computers. All licenses of GenoPro 2020 are perpetual. No annual cost. Just a single payment. You also get a credit of whatever amount you pay towards our next product GenoProX. Your organization qualifies for our unlimited site license at the price of the academic site license ($395 USD or abotu 320 GBP). The site license also has another benefit: the user does not need to enter/type a license key when installing GenoPro because there is no window to activate the registration key, thus saving time for the IT (or users) installing and your staff does not need to distribute and keep track of the license keys. Finally, with a site license, all employees, volunteers, members, donors, clients, foster and adoptive parents, people with addictions or mental health issues, young offenders, those who are victim of violence, individuals and families receiving benefits or services from your organization are welcome to install GenoPro 2020 at home for work and/or personal projects such as genealogy.
By 1285721 - Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Bonjour,je rencontrait des difficultés car un message m'indiquait clé non valide, en recherchant j'ai vu une date limite en janvier 2020, je pensais qu'elle restait valable à vie. geno pro m'est bien utile dans mon travail mais cependant je ne parviens pas à enregistrer à chaque fois le document. suis je limitée à 25 individus? pour poursuivre j'ai tenté d'acheter une nouvelle clé... mais ça ne marche pas mieux. faut il re télécharger le logiciel? si la version précédente est encore valable, pouvez vous me rembourser celle que je viens de racheter ? merci de votre réponse bien cordialement Chantal BRETON
By GenoProSupport - Friday, June 19, 2020
Bonjour Chantal, Les clés qui expirent se terminent par "-TMP" (example 47F-9QY-AUB-UB5-TMP), les clés permanentes se terminent par un chiffre qui est le numéro de la facture, comme 3-ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-70242.
By 367962 - Wednesday, February 10, 2021
I purchased a license several years ago, using an old email that is not working today. How can I recover the license key for upgrading purposes? (I asked using my old email but I am not able to access the answer to that old email)
By Martyn - Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Make sure that you have logged into the the forum. Click on "My Profile" When it loads, click on the GenoPro icon at the right hand side of the screen (You may need to try this step a few times, as if the server is busy you will see an almost empty page.) When your profile details appear at this stage, scroll down to the "Registration Key" section, and click on "Manage" This will show you any license key's that you have. If the license key is an old one, and does not start with a "3" , it will not work with the current versions 3.x.x.x, and you will need to download an earlier version "2".x.x.x of Genopro from the archives at |
By genome - Wednesday, February 10, 2021
see also GenoPro Account Recovery - GenoPro Help
By Anvarih - Saturday, February 13, 2021
thanks so much!but i got a new registration key. thanks a gain
By 367962 - Monday, March 1, 2021
Thanks for the answer, but I am not able to recover my old license. I bought it with an email that is out of work right now, maybe you can find it, it is
By appleshaw - Monday, March 1, 2021
Try logging in with your old email. It is only your user name here and should still allow you to log in to the original account, containg the registration data
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Thanks for the answer, but I am not able to recover my old license. I bought it with an email that is out of work right now, maybe you can find it, it is p.boric@entelchile.netI merged both accounts and sent an email message with your registration key to your new email address.
By 2316705 - Monday, November 8, 2021
Hi we are intending to purchase 4 licenses for our team. Kindly explain how the installation will work for individual laptops (4 users). Is this the latest software? And the payment is a once-off payment right?
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, November 11, 2021
After completing your purchase, you will receive an email with 4 registration keys. When you start GenoPro, if there is no registration key, the Registration Wizard appears where you can copy & paste your registration key.
Have you considered an academic site license? With your academic site license, all employees, professors, students, alumni, clients, guests and donors of your academic institution are welcome to install GenoPro 2020 at home for work, school and/or personal projects such as genealogy.