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Family tree breaks, Display of
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By greg7845 - Saturday, March 14, 2015

Assume my family tree begins around the year 1000 and goes to around year 1200.  The recorded family history disappears for about a 100 years and re-appears around year 1300.


How do I display the situation so that I am able to create reports/export GED files without receiving format errors?

Any help that can be provided will be greatly appreciated

Ray Gregory 
By genome - Saturday, March 14, 2015
I do not know of any reason why a discontinuous tree should cause errors when creating a report or generating Gedcom output.  It is possible that other genealogy products may have a problem with importing a .ged file with a discontinuous tree.  

What sort of 'format errors' are you experiencing?
By greg7845 - Sunday, March 15, 2015
Thanks for the comment.

What I want to do is to display a diagram that is continuous in display and still accounts for the break in family linage.

Unless you are able to suggest a better solution I am doing as follows:

1.  Attached the latest known male to the earlier known male as his son.  Colored the line red.

2.  Created the following tag: Sir William III  sold inheritance in 1332 - Family fell into obscurity and re-appeared as Gorham near Churchfield.

3.  Created a text label containing a description of the situation and placed it along side the red line between the two parts of the family.
By genome - Sunday, March 15, 2015
I think in this situation I would use a 'relative of' Social Relationship/Connection rather than your red Pedigree Link.  The diagram then fits the known facts.  You can use the Comment field of the Social Relationship to explain the connection.  

I think with the Export to Gedcom via the Report Generator the Social Relationship is converted to a Gedom ASSO, for associate, tag.
By greg7845 - Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Thank you Mr. Gnome.

As always you have helped.  

I am hoping that in the not too distant future, DNA reports will be able to help me to confirm and close the family gaps.

Thanks again.

Ray Gregory