By GenoProSupport - Sunday, July 12, 2015
GenoPro 2016 is available for download at (5 MB).
What is new to GenoPro 2016: - Problem Spotter helping you to find 23 types of potential errors in your family tree.
- Picture Mode turning a family tree into a picture tree.
- Contextual Toolbar displaying common tools to add parents, spouses and children to a selected individual or family.
- The contextual toolbar is useful for beginners, and may be turned off once the user knows how to use the keyboard shortcuts of toolbar buttons.
- Many improved templates to generate reports in HTML with picture albums, timelines, birthday claendars, interactive SVG and to generat PDFs of your family tree.
To learn more, visit am curious, how is the Problem Spotter working for you? Do you have any issues generating the reports with the new templates? If you find any bug in the Problem Spotter, we will give you a permanent key for GenoPro 2016 and GenoProX.
By appleshaw - Sunday, July 12, 2015
My family tree has 4.5k individuals. Problem Spotter has identified 196 potential problems. I have some homework to do!
By jcmorin - Sunday, July 12, 2015
@appleshaw, nice, let us know if there is any "false positive" where a problem report something that is NOT a problem.
By Martyn - Sunday, July 12, 2015
My family tree has 1100 individuals. the Problem Spotter has identified 106 potential problems, Most of my problems are from my data entry errors & imports over many years, I am working through them and correcting my errors.
A comment I would like to make is that the program does not change the foreground focus between the "Problems" window, and the "Genomaps" window when I select the respective window( My Genomaps are partly hidden behind the "Problems" window; so while I am correcting the problems, I am often re-sizing / minimising when I change between the "Genomaps" window and "Problems" window)
I would prefer if the "selected" window would automatically became the foreground window
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit / 8GB |
By powery - Monday, July 13, 2015
I would like to add the ability in Problem Spotter to mark the specific line as right (no problem line) For example: The child was born 1 month after his/her father died is common in my genogram.
By GenoProSupport - Monday, July 13, 2015
1 & 2) Do you have a sample file so I can see what is going on? You can use the send file to GenoPro.
Marking a problem as 'right' (aka: ignoring a problem) will be in GenoProX. I need to change the file format to store the list of problems to ignore, and also, the current Problem Spotter was not designed this way, meaning the computation would be O(n^2). Given the fact the problem spotter runs in the background constantly after every change, this could make GenoPro so slow it would be unusable. Originally the Problem Spotter was a tool, after running some tests on family trees with over 100,000 objects, the time was so fast I decided to make it run automatically in the background and show a little icon at the bottom left of the status bar. Of course the best solution for the Problem Spotter is to report 'real' problems, rather than having false positive problems to ignore.
By jcmorin - Monday, July 13, 2015
powery (13-Jul-2015) The child was born 1 month after his/her father died is common in my genogram.
This specific problem should not be reported, a child can born up to 9 months after his father death.
By Martyn - Monday, July 13, 2015
HelloA minor "Gender" problem in "Problem Spotter" Relating to a Female child "The child was born 1 month after his older sibling" (for a female child it should be "The child was born 1 month after her older sibling" ) Martyn
By 212529 - Monday, July 13, 2015
Hello, I have check my family trees with Problem Spotter and there might be minor bug. When children is not arranged by order of his/hers date of birth, Problem Spotter lists younger sibling (even though this children is displayed in correct order) instead the one who is displayed incorrectly.
P.S. It is nice to see GenoPro in not dead project Keep up the good work!
Windows 7, 32-bit
By 212529 - Monday, July 13, 2015
Hello, I have check my family trees with Problem Spotter and there might be minor bug. When children is not arranged by order of his/hers date of birth, Problem Spotter lists younger sibling (even though this children is displayed in correct order) instead the one who is displayed incorrectly. P.S. It is nice to see GenoPro in not dead project  Keep up the good work! For clarification see attached photos: -Hellena Mezgec is not arranged by order (displayed as last) -Problem Spotter identifies Agnes Mezgec (younger sibling) as incorrectly displayed
By 938098-CPr - Monday, July 13, 2015
Hello I agree, Nice to see that GenoPro continue.. I test it. My first feedback ,nice tool The Spotter...
Minorsproblems, nice to have once a warning, could it be possible to validate the situation and remove it from the Spotter?
- The display order of children does not match their date of births
- The child was born 3 months after his/her father died, - > but should be an alert if it’s more than 9 months perhaps
Another more tricky
- The child should appear below the family line (I don't really understand the problem) See picture Natural Child.
- The family has a single parent -> Yes it's true, it’s life… what a shame to not be able to solve it (I have nearly 10 naturals children in my tree) So I suppose I will have always these 10 alerts. See also picture Natural Child.
- I have strange situation with twins born on different dates (3_twins pictures) I have this 3 times on my tree, automatically the Spotter will say:
- If I connect all 3 on Twins : Children having the same date of birth should be twins
- If not (as is it on the picture) The child was born 2 days after his older sibling
Many thanks
By jcmorin - Monday, July 13, 2015
The child was born 2 days after his older sibling I didn't know it was even possible!
By 212529 - Monday, July 13, 2015
Another thing - Problem Spotter does not list a child with two sets of biological parents as a mistake. For instance, such error can arise if you forget to change one pedigree link from biological child to adopted child.
It would be nice to include this to Problem Spotter as well, since is quite basic principle.
By Howard53 - Tuesday, July 14, 2015
I have had the same report, and I believe it happens when the father has only a year specified as the date of death, whereas the child has the exact date of birth. The calculation is happening from the end of the year instead of the start.
A similar problem shows up between siblings when the older one has only a year specified as date of birth.
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, July 14, 2015
The documentation at was correct, but the implementation in the code was buggy regarding a child born after his/her father's death. I fixed the code and GenoPro will no longer report warning if a child is born within 300 days (about 10 months) after his/her father's death.
Also, I added a new problem if a child has 2 or more biological families. The fixes are available in version
By the way, the Problem Spotter will be significantly improved for GenoProX, where you will have the option to ignore a problem for an individual and/or family with the option to write a comment why the problem should be ignored. The Problem Spotter of GenoPro 2016 was designed to quickly find typos and common errors, however it is not 100% reliable as there will be always special cases where the reported 'problem' is not really a problem because you decided to make your family tree in a special way. Also, we want GenoProX to do animal pedigree, so the problem spotter will be a bit customization, such as: for humans, the birth of each child should be at least 9 months apart, however for cats, it is much shorter, and different for dogs and horses. Same for sexual maturity and longevity.
By maru-san - Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Now that the problem spotter is there, have tried it on smaller files first and it works nice. So I tried it on my biggest file and eliminated first the older than ... problem using the table layout. There were app. 30 to 40 of such cases. Tried to safe my file, but it says I am low on memory, after having cached the pictures. Pointed me to a retry for saving twice or three times, without success and crashed then my genopro.
Would like to locate certain problems one by one rather than all at once. Can this be done?
Besides I do not see the incorrect arrangements of children as a problem, since in some instances it my be necessary to arrange differently due to space problems. If the family summary shows the children in the correct order than this should be accepted by the spotter.
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, July 14, 2015
maru-san (14-Jul-2015) Tried to safe my file, but it says I am low on memory, after having cached the pictures. Pointed me to a retry for saving twice or three times, without success and crashed then my genopro.The long-term solution is to have a thumbnail generator with proper caching and flushing when the cache is getting full or old. Again, this is something that will be done for GenoProX, as I have a pretty good idea how to do it. The cache will also be shareable, so if you send a family tree to someone else, the recipient will be able to fetch thumbnails and the full picture directly from you. In the meantime, if you want to show a lot of pictures at once, make the pictures a bit smaller. I understand it is a lot of work. You may use IrfanView; it has a tool to transform (reduce/resample) pictures for an entire folder and copy the modified pictures into another folder. IrfanView is a very useful tool. Would like to locate certain problems one by one rather than all at once. Can this be done? Yes, select a group of objects or a branch of your family tree and press Ctrl+E. Besides I do not see the incorrect arrangements of children as a problem, since in some instances it my be necessary to arrange differently due to space problems. If the family summary shows the children in the correct order than this should be accepted by the spotter. I agree.
By 212529 - Tuesday, July 14, 2015
maru-san (14-Jul-2015) Besides I do not see the incorrect arrangements of children as a problem, since in some instances it my be necessary to arrange differently due to space problems. If the family summary shows the children in the correct order than this should be accepted by the spotter.
I think it is convenient that spotter gives you a warning regarding incorrect display order of child, as children should be displayed by date of birth. Indeed in some cases this is not possible, but those are more or less exceptions.
Anyway, spotter has a bug - if a child is not placed among siblings in accordance with his/hers date of birth, spotter lists wrong sibling as being misplaced. This problem arise when older sibling is placed after younger siblings (see attachment). However, if younger sibling is placed before older, problem spotter detect error correctly and indeed lists misplaced sibling.
By genome - Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Users of GenoPro 2016 will have noticed that report templates (aka skins) are now installed in your nominated skins folder.
Please ensure that if you wish to make your own modifications to these 'skins' then copy the original folder to a new folder and apply your amendments there. e.g. copy '{EN} Narrative Report' to '{EN} My Narrative'.Also if you wish to modify scripts in the 'Narrative Common' folder then first delete the 'Code' folder from your skin copy e.g. from '{EN} My Narrative' created as above and then copy 'Narrative Common/Code' to it. e.g. copy 'Narrative Common/Code' to '{EN} My Narrative/Code' and amend files in this folder.The contents of the installed skin folders will be overwritten if a new version of GenoPro 2016 is installed.
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, July 15, 2015
@maru-san: Do you have a sample file I can test the code before posting an update? Thanks.@Novak: The way the Problem Spotter works is it sorts children first. In the screenshot you posted, there is Child 1, Child 3, Child 4 and Child 2. Therefore the 'problem' is with Child 3 being in incorrect order. The Problem Spotter is finding the first error and reports it without being too fancy about the other related errors (such as Child 2 being also in incorrect order). By the way, if you click on the top right icon ( ), I am pretty sure it will select Child 2. By the way, version has a fix where hyperlinked parents were counted more than once, resulting in an incorrect number of parents reported by the Problem Spotter.
By 212529 - Wednesday, July 15, 2015
I have tested few more cases Problem Spotter should recognize them as an error according to you list:
In my case - individual married before his birth or after his death - is not recognized as an error.
By appleshaw - Thursday, July 16, 2015
Putting the dates shown into a blank family produces the following Problems. Have you checked the dates, particularly Union Date
By vlepore - Thursday, July 16, 2015
The function "Problem Spotter" is really very useful. I performed the test, with v.2903, on a file of 44000 individuals and all the "errors" reported are formally correct. There remains only the issue of "The child was born 1 year after his/her father died" when you only know the year of the death of his father, or only the year of birth of the child. I believe, however, that some controls may only be activated upon request. For example,: -"The display order of children does not match their dates of births", -"The individual is not linked to anyone in the family tree" These are important controls but may not always be resolved, and it is not appropriate to continue to see a long list of "errors" after checking everything. However, all very useful! Missing just one control: signalling of the presence of individuals with the same surname, the same name (1 name, not all names), the same year of birth. Thanks for your work ... and please excuse my English. |
By maru-san - Thursday, July 16, 2015
In connection with the problem spotted "The family is overlapping with another family", I see another problem coming up. Having these family lines on one level is no problem as long the family summery data is correct. Splitting these lines of multiple marriages into several horizontal line above each other, the problem of crossing lines(born children), which is worth than "the problem of overlapping", comes up. So it is again something somebody prefers or not.
So there should be a check-list of problems to be shown or not, before starting the spotter.
By 212529 - Thursday, July 16, 2015
If child is adopted spotter doesn't recognize following errors: -a child was born after his/her adoptive parents died -a child was born before his/her adoptive parents were born
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, July 19, 2015
GenoPro 2016 version is available. Fixes are:- GenoPro no longer displays the error "The display order of children does not match their date of births" if there is an explicit child order in the family. To explicitly change the child order in a family, double-click on the family, select the Summary tab and click on the button Change Child Order.
- The child was adopted after his/her adoptive mother or father died.
I am working full time on GenoProX and promise to have a better Problem Spotter. The Problem Spotter of GenoPro 2016 was just a preview to quickly find common mistakes. I am taking notes of all suggestions and if detecting a problem is easy, I may include in 2016, otherwise it will be in GenoProX. I expect to have a good prototype of GenoProX in early 2016, as GenoProX already have 100,000 lines of code (compared to GenoPro 2016 which has 350,000 lines of code). The good news is the new GenoProX will require less lines of code, perhaps 250,000 as the report generator is entirely done in JavaScript and the user interface has been simplified.
By Nand - Monday, July 20, 2015
I tried to install GenoPro 2016 version on a 32 bit Windows 7 PRO system but it hangs after hitting the install button.
Version installs OK.
By Bep - Monday, July 20, 2015
Great news!!
I am currently running Genopro 2011 on Ubuntu via Wine. I will try the new version soon, and eventually report to help you. Bep
By maru-san - Wednesday, July 22, 2015
GenoProSupport (19-Jul-2015)
GenoPro 2016 version is available. Fixes are: - GenoPro no longer displays the error "The display order of children does not match their date of births" if there is an explicit child order in the family.
- To explicitly change the child order in a family, double-click on the family, select the Summary tab and click on the button Change Child Order.
I think the priority must be a correct order of birth in the family summary. Changing this according to the display gives an incorrect order of children when making a "Descendant Report"
My proposal is to have an icon (similar to the "fix" icon) ignoring this display in the Spotter table.
By 294117 - Saturday, July 25, 2015
I have installed GenoPro-2016 and after this first day trying it can see significant improvements:- The in context toolbar may seem a gimmick but it is easy to use, easy to get used to it, and finally adopt it as the saving in mouse movements are quite significant when inserting new individuals into a tree.
- The error spotter is great. But along with some commentators, I would like to be able to be able to mark some errors as "non errors". I have some trees that for ease of printing I have set from left to right rather than up to down; I would like to ignore such facts.
- The Spotter is working full time: when it detects an"error" the counter increases by one in the right hand status bar. I guess it would be better if a pop-up appeared on the screen, with a description of the error and the options to have the error ignored and to input a description of the reason why it should be ignored.
- Having a set of spotted errors ignored is great but there should be an option to have these errors checked later on, with some or all of them returned to the "not ignored" status. This may require two separate files an/or two separate displays.
- As it is now, the Problem Spotter display can be sorted along one of the column. It makes it easier to check the errors. In my case, for 1860 individuals, I found 74 errors: 57 were Display (either "order of children" or "parents above children"), the rest were Data (8 because of "family with no parents", 9 because of "incompatible dates between parent and a child"). In fact only 9 errors have to be corrected, "family with no parents" ones is because there is no hyperlinks between family items. The spotting table is alive: you correct an error and it disappear from the table: this is great... except the table is too alive as you lose the sorting order. Not a great problem when you have only a couple of errors, infuriating if you have more than a page. which brings us back to the point above: marking some spotted errors as not to be shown.
GenoPro 2016 is already improved from 2011, I cannot wait to use GenoProX
By waveydavey49 - Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Hi allWhat happened? I thought GenpPro was dead in the water to the point I wasn't visiting the site as there seemed no progress from 2011. Whalla!!! 2016. Have downloaded and will give it a test run. Ill assume I will have to purchase when my 20 or so evaluation days are up. Shouldn't be a problem for such a good piece of kit. Any story behind its resurgence? glad to be back Wavey...
By fin - Sunday, August 23, 2015
I installed Genopro yesterday still confused with it a little but getting there slowly, the prblem spotter has over 300 errors on my tree arrgghh! going to be busy!
By NiKo - Saturday, August 29, 2015
I came late to the party and only had 1 day's use with the Temp key provided, and about 200 issues in the Problem Spotter.
I'm leaving for a 5 week trip tomorrow to do some Family Tree research, and have tried reverting to the 2011 version and using my original key, but it keeps showing that the 2016 version is installed (v.3.0....) I've already lost a bit of data after grilling a cousin I met for the first time last night. Is there a way to get a key that works for the next 6 weeks or so, or revert to my 2011 software? I don't want hours of work to go to waste. Is there a thread with a key that I've missed. I'm a late adopter, so I'd prefer old, stable software I can rely on, rather than new stuff with all the bells and whistles and potential unknowns. Thanks.
By Kozykin - Saturday, August 29, 2015
Dear GenoProSupport, my name is Denis Kozykin. I am from Russia. Thank you for the GenoPro2016. I tried it and liked a lot. But, unfortunately, the evaluation key has expired. The currency exchange rate Russian Ruble to US dollar has increased much and the price for the permanent key in Rubles seems a bit expensive to me. I has been waiting for the beneficial exchange rate and tried to find bugs in GenoPro 2016, because you wrote: GenoProSupport (12-Jul-2015)
If you find any bug, we will give you a permanent key for GenoPro 2016 and GenoProX. Unfortunately, all that I found, was already noticed by other forum-members. But, today I found a small new bug in the "GenoPro Registration Wizard". On some languages the phrase «I want to purchase /to upgrade … for GenoPro 2011”, not “GenoPro 2016”. E.g. Russian, Scots gaelic, Ukrainian. Best regards, Denis GenoPro 2016 (Version
By appleshaw - Saturday, August 29, 2015
If you uninstall 16 you can reload 11 from
By NiKo - Saturday, August 29, 2015
Appleshaw, I saw that was listed as the backout plan, so I downloaded both executables... one for Genopro 2016 and the other for Genopro 2011. I used the new Genopro briefly, then went to my Control Panel and uninstalled Genopro 2016 and installed Genopro 2011, and changed the key back to the original one. Unfortunately, it keeps thinking I have 2016 installed for some reason and does not accept my old key, nor the new one. I've tried doing this when not connected to the internet ... so I'll try it again with wifi.
By NiKo - Saturday, August 29, 2015
Thanks Appleshaw, problem fixed. I downloaded the executable using the link you provided instead of grabbing it from Genopro's front page, and I'm using Genopro 2011 again.
By GenoProSupport - Monday, August 31, 2015
Kozykin my name is Denis Kozykin. I am from Russia. Thank you for the GenoPro2016. I tried it and liked a lot. But, unfortunately, the evaluation key has expired. The currency exchange rate Russian Ruble to US dollar has increased much and the price for the permanent key in Rubles seems a bit expensive to me.
Thank you for reporting the issue. I fixed all instances of "GenoPro 2011" and "GenoPro Gamma" in all languages. Regarding the word "bug" I was referring to a bug in the Problem Spotter. I understand your situation regarding inflation with the Rubble, and unfortunately I doubt the situation will get better. All fiat (paper) money have the chronic disease of inflation, requiring more units of paper to buy the same thing (people call it inflation). I will make you a deal: if you complete the translation in Russian of the few missing 6 menu items I will give you GenoPro 2016.
By Alex - Monday, August 31, 2015
"...I fixed all instances of "GenoPro 2011" and "GenoPro Gamma" in all languages..."In version GenoPro2011 was 'I want to purchase a permanent registration key for GenoPro2011'.In version GenoPro2016 - 'I want to purchase a permanent registration key for GenoPro'.After this fixing in GenoPro2011 - 'I want to purchase a permanent registration key for GenoPro2016' - it looks strange for GenoPro2011...We have only one file Language.xml on page 'Translating GenoPro in a Foreign Language'...
By Kozykin - Monday, August 31, 2015
Dear GenoProSupport, Thank you for the possibility to get GenoPro 2016. I sent to your PM Russian translation of the missing menu items, which I found. If you have more missing menu items, don’t hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Denis
By Kozykin - Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Kozykin (01-Sep-2015)
I sent to your PM Russian translation of the missing menu items, which I found. I learnt more information about GenoPro and seem to understand, what you had meant. Now I know how to translate (localize) GenoPro. I have added the missing translation to “Telephone Mobile” and now it is shown in Russian. But I didn’t found, how I can add the translation to the dialog “Options” Missing translation for: Automatic Problem Spotter= Автоматический поиск ошибок Display Contextual Toolbar= Показать контекстную панель инструментов Genogram Options= Опции генограммы Display Genogram Dialog= Показать диалоговое окно генограммы Display Genogram Dates= Показать даты генограммы Display Genogram Symbols for Family Relationship= Показать символы генограммы для семейных отношений Assume‘Married’ as the default Family Relationship = Принимать 'Брак' как семейные отношения по умолчанию
Database Storage/ Third-Party Storage =Хранилище базы данных / Стороннее хранилище
By Alex - Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Kozykin (02-Sep-2015)
I have added the missing translation to “Telephone Mobile” and now it is shown in Russian. Where in the interface it now is shown?
By Kozykin - Thursday, September 3, 2015
Alex (03-Sep-2015)
Where in the interface it now is shown?
Please find the attached file with the example.
By vlepore - Thursday, September 3, 2015
For Genome (?)
Skins “in Italiano”for Genopro-2016
I enclose thecomplete Italian skins zipped, for:
AncestorsReport ===> “{IT} Report Antenati” Dictionary.xml Descendant_Tree ===> “{IT} Albero Descendenti” Dictionary.xml+ \code\local\ ConfigMsgIT.xml DescendantsReport ===> “{IT} Report Descendenti“ Dictionary.xml + \code\local\ ConfigMsgIT.xml NarrativeReport ===> “{IT} Report HTML” Dictionary.xml + ConfigMsgLocal.xml
The 4 folders canbe unzipped, fortrial, in ..\ Skinsand eventually included in the next version of GenoPro-2016 (it is believed). Thefolder “{IT} Report HTML” replaces the folder “{IT} Elaborazione Report”.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, September 4, 2015
Thank You Vittorino. I will include the files in the next update.
By IainTait - Thursday, September 10, 2015
Hi, Thanks for the Key, unfortunately it doesn't work as when I tried to save my main Beath-Tait tree it said that the key was out of date. I installed GenoPro2016 in a separate folder so as not to confuse it with the GenoPro 2011 which I upgraded to recently after a long absence due to health issues. My 2011 is running now loading my huge compilation which will take several more hours with its 70000 names. I am worried about updating to GenoPro 3.0.0. before the upload is finished. I can't save the tree after trying the problem spotter which I found very useful finding twins and double family links etc |
By sheeshee - Sunday, September 27, 2015
Hi I have an assignment to complete a genogram project by next Sunday, Oct 4, 2015, for my school and I can not download the genopro software. I have a Macbook pro. Can anybody help me with this.
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, September 27, 2015
You may run GenoPro 2016 on a Mac however you need special software like Parallels which is expensive. By the way, we are rebuilding GenoPro from scratch so it works on all platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Tablets and Smartphones. To learn more visit
By Jakk - Tuesday, September 29, 2015
It's great to see GenoPro back in development. It's been a few months since I was here, but I've been working with GenoPro 2011 extensively over that time (and previously), and I'm wondering if GenoPro 2016 can be installed without removing GenoPro 2011, mostly because the new version seems to be still a work in progress and I'm quite comfortable with the previous version despite its few shortcomings and bugs (see Bug Reports for one that I just spotted last week while searching a large (5000+ individuals) genogram), but I still would like to play with the new toy.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, October 1, 2015
Your license #45610 is valid for GenoPro 2011 which you may download and use forever at . GenoPro 2016 is a paid upgrade of $15 to help the development of GenoProX.
By jcmorin - Thursday, October 1, 2015
Purchasing GenoPro 2016 helps us to raise money to rebuild GenoProX from scratch, so it can work on all platforms (Windows, Mac, tablets, and smartphones) and develop our collaboration module to enable users to edit the same family tree. We also have someone dedicated to add voice and video to GenoProX, so people will be able to communicate with each other and our support team. This will make it easier when someone has difficulties with his/her family tree and need assistance.
The current architecture of GenoPro 2016 which is 19 years old is not capable to do everything we want to do, so we have to rebuild GenoPro from scratch using new available technologies. Lot of things changed in computing during the past 19 years  |
By IainTait - Monday, October 5, 2015
I am finding GenoPro2016 great and the Problem Spotter very usefull, I didn't know there were so many twins not shown as such! One problem I see is for the relationship lines there are no longer ones for separated or divorced which is a problem with so many divorsees in my tree
By GenoProSupport - Monday, October 5, 2015
IainTait (05-Oct-2015) One problem I see is for the relationship lines there are no longer ones for separated or divorced which is a problem with so many divorsees in my treeWhat would you suggest to improve the Problem Spotter?
By vlepore - Tuesday, October 13, 2015
I think it is important to add another control to the Control Spotter: check the dates of birth among the brothers: not more than 80(?) years! The control becomes important when you do not know the date of birth of the parents. Typically it is wrong the century between a brother and another. Thanks.
By Jakk - Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Still waiting to learn whether I will be able to retain my installation of 2011 with the new version before I try it out. Considering the change in licensing model (which I have no problem with, considering the amount of work involved in rewriting the code from the ground up; I've done enough programming to appreciate how tricky it can be), I think it's important for users of 2011 to be able to retain the 2011 installation along with the new version if we choose to buy it.
By 5yearuser - Saturday, October 24, 2015
I like the ProblemSpotter. It found things that I wasn't aware of. Order of siblings wasn't a biggy but fixed it . Had birth or death dates in ranges and it didn't like that. So I was forced to set a date :-(
I had one issue the spotter talked about trees overlapping that I gave up on
- A situation where a man had two wives and one wife had another husband. I simply put the wife's husband info in her link
Hope this helps
Hal (Genopro User since 2006)
By harzion - Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Hi, I bought 2016 twice 51792 and 53807 would you please arrange for me getting a refund for the second purchase. |
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Hi Helmut, I voided (refunded) your second purchase.
By harzion - Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Thank you very much and God bless you,
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Thank you Helmuth. By the way, GenoPro version has a fix for people using the Hebrew language where sometimes Latin text would be displayed backward in the family tree. If you ever see this behavior, please let me know. I was able to fix the bug on my machine, however I am not using GenoPro in Hebrew, so I may have missed something else.
By appleshaw - Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Saw this post and checked update. Got this message
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Thanks Peter. I updated the database to include the the changes made for the latest update.
By 1709977 - Wednesday, June 29, 2016
I paid for this program twice, yesterday and today again and it is not allowing me to open up. I would like my money back it this does not open up today.
By Jordi-Albert - Saturday, July 2, 2016
Where are the text for the Spotter that we need to translate to other languages?
(if this option exist )
By Jordi-Albert - Saturday, July 2, 2016
I'm using the medical symbols colors in another way.
This medical information is not really important for me, but I use it for my research.
I use the Top-Left quadrant for the birth,
the Top-Right for other documents like contracts
the Bottom-Left for marriage
and the Botton-Rigth for the Death.
With the Color I know what kind of data I have....
Red for contrasted data (I've seen the original document)
Green if I've a foto of the document
Blue if the person in this data was living
Black if on this time is death
Gray if I have a data on wich was living and also another where he was death (so beetween data)
With this scheme I can see that (from my picture) on 1836 Estevan, Sabastia and Francisca where living but Ramon Joan was death.
Of course the Spotter can not kow this information.....
(sorry.... all the text is schowing like a block.... no format)
By jrweiss1982 - Wednesday, September 21, 2016
My mac will not allow me to download GenoPro. What do I do? It gives me a pop up that says it will not work with OS X.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, September 22, 2016
jrweiss1982 (21-Sep-2016) My mac will not allow me to download GenoPro. What do I do? It gives me a pop up that says it will not work with OS X. |
By Avrum Nadigel - Monday, September 26, 2016
GenoProSupport (22-Sep-2016)
jrweiss1982 (21-Sep-2016) My mac will not allow me to download GenoPro. What do I do? It gives me a pop up that says it will not work with OS X.I haven't received an update about GenoProX in months. So... are you suggesting that CrossOver works with GenoPro? If it does, I'll try that solution. Also, I have no idea what I own vis-a-vis my financial backing of GenoProX? Am I able to download GenoPro to use with CrossOver?