I have changed the way translated Narrative Reports are held so that they are all now available 'out of the box' following install of GenoPro 2016. All Narrative Report skins share a common core of script and d ata files held in a 'Narrative Common' folder. The skin folder for each translation contains just the Dictionary.xml file, the Config.xml file with language and name changes and optionally the translated ConfigMsgLocal.xml file (this was previously ConfigMsgXX.xml, where 'XX' is the language code). It also has a bootstrap.vbs file.
When the skin is 1st run bootstrap.vbs creates a folder link to the code folder under the 'Narrative Common' folder and exits. This link is created by a 'SysInternals' utility 'junction.exe' and on 1st run a terms & conditions prompt appears. Subsequent runs will perform normally.
The folder names for each are prefixed with the language code for that skin so that they appear in order in the 'Report Skins' drop down list. Also in Config.xml the 'Name' attribute has been changed to just the 'version' or 'date created' and the original name moved to a SkinName' attribute.
This approach makes it easier to update skins and avoids multiple copies the Narrative Report files.