By Nand - Sunday, July 19, 2015
About picture mode and primary pictures
For most individuals I don't have a picture (photograph) of the person but I do have a birth or death certificate which I stored as a personal picture.
If this certificate is the only picture available, it automatically becomes the primary picture. Switching to picture mode then produces an unwanted result. See below.

There should be a way to "disable" the primary picture in this case.
By GenoProSupport - Monday, July 20, 2015
What is needed is a field to classify a file attachment, such as picture or document scan, and display only picture. Ron also suggested to let the user pick a different picture than the primary picture for the Picture Mode.
Such a change requires a change in the file format, and I prefer to add this feature in GenoProX.
By megamau - Tuesday, October 6, 2015
What I do is to create a "source" and link the picture of the document to the source rather than the person.
You can then link the source to the person and the picture will not appear in "picture mode".