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Option to ignore a problem
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By GenoProSupport - Monday, July 20, 2015
Sometimes the Problem Spotter may display 'false positives' where the problem is not really a problem.  Ignoring a problem is a bit more complicated, as it requires the following:
  1. Save the 'ignore list' into the .gno file
  2. Load the 'ignore list' from the .gno file
  3. Do not display problems from the 'ignore list' in the Problem Spotter
  4. Dialog to also display the 'ignore list'
  5. Remove a problem from the 'ignore list'
Optionally, ignore all problems for a specific class, or a GenoMap. This feature will be implemented into GenoProX.
By maru-san - Sunday, July 26, 2015
A child adopted by a single parent (male or female) is a possibility without being a problem.