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renew my old reg key
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By Serge - Saturday, August 22, 2015
Dear Sirs,

as a franch translator of Genopro, I received a regkey on 12.11.2007

I recently acquired a new pc, dowloaded genopro again, and I received a message to buy a new version

Shall I do so ? Am I entitled to use genopro 2016 with a renewal base on my olod key ? How

With best regards
By GenoProSupport - Saturday, August 22, 2015
Since you contributed to the translation of GenoPro, I sent you a new registration key of GenoPro 2016.
By Serge - Saturday, August 22, 2015
Thank you very much

I have a question regarding translation :
in french pack, many individual properties are in english. Can I contribute ? Is it a setting ?
By GenoProSupport - Saturday, August 22, 2015
To translate, there used to be an icon at the top right of the window, however depending on your display settings in the Control Panel, this icon is not visible.  The other option to translate text is from the Language menu.
By 204594 - Sunday, November 8, 2015
I wonder if you can help me, I purchased a key in 2007, having remarried and discovered my wife has relatives who fell in the first world war, I am keen to help her and her family understand where these veterans fit in. My key is for the old version I think, how can I upgrade? Many thanks, Simon
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, November 8, 2015
You have two options:
  1. Use your old key with GenoPro 2011.  You may download GenoPro 2011 at
  2. Upgrade your old key for a permanent key of GenoPro 2016.  The cost is only $15 and will also give you perks for GenoProX ( ) which is under development.
By alm4hope - Monday, November 14, 2016
GenoProSupport (08-Nov-2015)
You have two options:
  1. Use your old key with GenoPro 2011.  You may download GenoPro 2011 at
  2. Upgrade your old key for a permanent key of GenoPro 2016.  The cost is only $15 and will also give you perks for GenoProX ( ) which is under development.

Based on the above response to another post, I am wondering WHY GenoPro ALWAYS tries to charge me "$49.00" whether I try to UPGRADE my OLD KEY with GENOPRO 2011 OR I try to OUTRIGHT BUY (as a new customer) GENOPRO 2016--INSTEAD of just the $15.00, as stated above?
Thank you!
By Martyn - Monday, November 14, 2016
Have you tried the Crowdfunding option on the GenoPro x link
It is still offering the $15 option, which includes update to Genopro 2016

By alm4hope - Monday, November 14, 2016
I actually found the link (FINALLY) to upgrade! Done!