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4 ideas to make Genopro the perfect match in therapy
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By Serge - Saturday, August 22, 2015
Dear team,

after a break in useing Genopro while starting to work with a surface pro as therapist, I discover GP 2016 and the new icons "add a spouse, boy or daughter", plus the new icon in the various icon bars. It changes the way I could use GP in therapy live sessions.

The result is an big improvement, that nears the gap with whiteboard

For the process to be as smooth as on a white board, here are 4 missing additions :
when selecting an individual, add to the top, right or left of selection the following icons/action/local input, without opening the big data dialog box:
  1. birthday icon, to the left of selection, to quick edit birth date, without the hassle of the dialog box (since it would cut the)
  2. name icon, to the top of selection, to quick edit first/second name, without the hassle of the dialog box
  3. death icon, to the right of selection, for
    1. deceased check box
    2. date of death, if needed
  4. add ink support (I use a surface device) as separate text boxes, or as ink linked to relation bars
after using 1 of these, a single tap outside the control would be ebough to validate the new data

for date, I thought of sth like these date pickers

Thank you !
By GenoProSupport - Saturday, August 22, 2015
Thank you for your suggestions Serge. The new user interface displays the properties of the selected object(s).  No need to double-click on the object (individual, family, label) to edit the properties.  You may also pick which properties are in your favorites, so they appear at the top.
By Serge - Sunday, August 23, 2015
You mean, if I click on "data tables"\individuals ?
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, August 23, 2015
I will post a screenshot this week.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, August 28, 2015
I was talking with Roberto and he asked me to not post a screenshot yet, as he wants to present a new graphical idea to make a better first impression.  He is the one who created the video and the pages for GenoProX ( ).  I am curious what he will come up with.
By appleshaw - Friday, August 28, 2015
Just had a look at the display. For GeoProX Expert it starts
"Has all the new enhanced versatility of GenoProX Family and adds the Genogram capabilities"

Does that mean the Family version uses a non-genogram display?
By Serge - Friday, August 28, 2015
Any possibility to contribute to french translation on new Genopro  ?
By GenoProSupport - Friday, August 28, 2015
appleshaw (28-Aug-2015)
Just had a look at the display. For GeoProX Expert it starts
"Has all the new enhanced versatility of GenoProX Family and adds the Genogram capabilities"

Does that mean the Family version uses a non-genogram display?
Yes, we want an affordable product, so GenoProX Family is $29 while GenoProX Expert is $49.  With GenoProX Family, you may have 5 genogram symbols 5 pets, however for those doing professional genograms or animal pedigree trees, they will want to use the Expert version.

Serge (28-Aug-2015)
Any possibility to contribute to french translation on new Genopro  ?
Not yet.  We are still working on the structure of events.  The good news is there is already a JSON for English, French and Spanish, all new tags (now called Properties in GenoProX) are ready to be localized.