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Error at line 17, position 8 (Code\individuals.htm) generating 'individuals.htm': 80070483
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By 257476 - Sunday, August 23, 2015
I cannot generate HTML report after installation Windows 10. Updating of GenoPro up to 2016 does not fix the problem.
I use the last narrative report skin (2015.05.05).
By genome - Sunday, August 23, 2015
At that point in the scripts the report generation should be complete and the script is simply trying to open the report in your browser.  The Report Log should confirm this.  Have you tried opening the report (default.htm) directly from your browser? 

Are you trying to publish the report to a local folder or to a web server such as  The Narrarive Report is more suited to being accessed from a web server rather than a local folder.  Some browsers e.g. Opera will possibly fail to display it correctly from a local file.

The error might indicate that you have no web browser associated with the file extension '.htm'
By genome - Monday, August 24, 2015
Further to my earlier response, I have just tested Narrative Report generation on Windows 10.  The report generated OK but then I was prompted to choose the application to open the file (default.htm) with.

First I chose Microsoft Edge, their new browser, but although the page displayed OK the subframe communication did not and so index frames and the 'popup' frame for genomaps etc were not visible. (They could be revealed by dragging near the edge / bottom of the window.).

Then using Windows Explorer I located the file, right-clicked, the 'Open With' and chose Internet Explorer.  The local report worked OK via this route.

I do not intend to look for a resolution for the issue with 'Edge'.  Historically MS browsers have always been out of step with the rest of the community.

The report is intended for viewing via a web server and not from a local folder but their are other browsers for which I have implemented a work-around to the 'problem' of browser 'same domain' security restrictions on access to local files.
By 257476 - Monday, September 14, 2015
Thank you very much for your help. Your first guess was correct. The extension 'htm' was not associated with a browser.