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Hebrew/English date
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By AY875 - Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Hi everyone
I have just downloaded the program and giving it a try-out. One of the main features I like is the hebrew/english date conversion.

Just wondering if there is any way of getting both the hebrew AND english date on the tree? Or does it mean making 2 separate tree's?
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Making two separate trees will be a burden to you and a source of inconsistencies, as one tree may have more information than the other.

GenoProX will have the ability to display satellites objects which are labels or pictures capable to display some data of another object.  What is interesting about satellites objects is they follow the main object, so the move together when moving the primary object.  One solution is having the date as a satellite text label, however this will be too much work for you for every individual having a date.  Perhaps one solution is having a move where all dates displayed are displayed in a special format with an optional additional calendar, such as Hebrew.

Let me think about something that will be easy to use yet reliable.
By AY875 - Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Thanks for the reply. So far everything is going smoothly except for the little issue of the dates and the fact that I almost instantly had 25 people!

Let me know if you think of a solution...