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picture mode with dates displaying
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By beraha - Saturday, September 5, 2015
I thing it would be great if  at "picture mode", it will be still possible to dispaly the "date of birth" and "date of death" at the same time. 

Perfect of printing genomaps like that
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, September 10, 2015
The "Picture Mode" needs some improvements.  Displaying the dates would make the pictures very small.  Do you have a suggestion for this?
By megamau - Wednesday, September 16, 2015
I think the picture mode is the single greatest addition from 2011 to 2016.

It needs some improvement however.

We should be able to set a size for the displayed pictures and to increase or decrease until a satisfactory balance with the white space is reached.

The other function that needs improvement is the autoarrange, but I know that is difficult to achieve.
By Jakk - Monday, February 1, 2016
I confess I haven't done anything with Picture Mode yet, but this is largely because my current and ongoing genealogy research for the last few years has been directed at my medieval-era ancestors. I am definitely intrigued by the possibilities, and (as I have seen done on a number of genealogy websites) using heraldry for the images of those medieval ancestors is a natural fit.

I second the request for image scaling to allow display of dates with the image. Another possibility is a mouse-over or right-click feature to display the dates and possibly other information as well; what do others think about that idea?
By AlexG - Wednesday, February 3, 2016
In Picture Mode, displaying dates above the picture really does not take much space. For many years, we have been waiting for the ability to see the picture of the person in the tree,
but trimming the dates makes much less useful. Really anyone would want to see both dates (and age?), picture and name.
By megamau - Thursday, June 21, 2018
Any news on this ?

Basically it means having the picture take-up only the space of the symbol and not also the space of the dates.
It has been my most wanted feature since 2015, but GenoPro 2016 did not have it and GenoPro X is still not out.

I would be happy also with any "hack" to achieve this (short of writing all the date manually below each person).
By Zebel - Thursday, August 20, 2020

Hi there!

Okay, this question is quite old, but in v.2020 stin not possible. That's sthg I would REALLY appreciate. To have a picture, name, dates, possibly the place of origin too, displayed at once.
Pleeeeeeease, is anyone about to try make this work?

Thanks for reply ;-)