By 212529 - Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Bug in addiction symbols - when removing addiction symbol from specific person, all people with same addiction lose their symbol.
1) I have applied addiction symbols to all person in genogram, saved changes and then closed the file.

2) Next time I open the file and want to remove addiction symbol from specific person...

3) ...all people with same addiction lose their symbol.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, September 25, 2015
Thank you for reporting this bug. As a token of appreciation, I gave you GenoPro 2016 and GenoProX SponsorExpert package. I am investigating the issue. This bug has been lurking for probably 8 years.
Have you found a way around this bug? I am asking because I prefer to work on GenoProX than fixing GenoPro 2016 which will be completely replaced by GenoProX.
By 212529 - Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Thank you so much for GenoPro 2016 and GenoProX package! So generous of you! Could not be a better gift 
Regarding the bug - I did not yet find a way around it. But if I do, I will post it here right away.