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Create PDF book report (please!)
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By lukas.vysoky - Saturday, October 17, 2015

Would someone PLEASE provide a simple and comprehensive guide about how to create one single multi-page PDF report file? 

There is a lot of information scattered and hard to find in this forum. Also, lot of is too technical and incomprehensible. If you guys want that GenoPro is used widely by general public, you have to provide easier access to such critical functions.

Thank you!

Lukas Vysoky
By rakash5564 - Saturday, October 17, 2015
Thank you for this suggestion!! I would really like to creating a PDF, but have troubles with the report generator and the little application which converts webpages to PDF.

I hope we can get a nice tutorial! Exclamation Mark
By waveydavey49 - Saturday, October 17, 2015
Go here

The Complete Genealogy reporter
By lukas.vysoky - Sunday, October 18, 2015
We need this for GenoPro, not for a third party tool!