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Download GenoPro on to my iMac
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By 1153534 - Tuesday, January 12, 2016
I am unable to download GenoPro on to my iMac. I need assistant. 
By appleshaw - Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Look at the help, particularly
Basically the present version of GenoPro is designed to run under Windows. You need to have some sort of emulation as set out in the help topic. It is now possible to install the Wine package on a Mac and the GenoPro help describes how to install under Wine.
None of this is simple, which is why GenoProX is being developed - but it will be some time before this will be available for general use.
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, January 12, 2016
We are rebuilding GenoProX from scratch to work on all platforms, including Macs and smartphones.
By monnie49 - Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Is there any timeline on when the GenoProX will be available for Mac?
By 180052 - Thursday, December 1, 2016
My family tree goes back 300 years all on Genopro but I can't access it now we have switched to a Mac.  I have saved it onto a USB.  When will the Mac version be available?
By appleshaw - Thursday, December 1, 2016
If you put the file GenoPro.exe from your old PC onto the memory stick you can then view the data on another PC. I often do this to work in my local library. You might need to put the Registration code on the stick although I often find it has got there by itself (don't ask me how - possibly once you use it it remembers from the stick). The stick will always work as a viewer but obviously you need the code if you make edits.
If you have a newer Mac it might have an Intel processor in which case it may be possible to run Windows. If you still are the owner of the PC you still own a Windows registration - although MS may not allow it to be transferred. This is a minefield I have avoided as I stick with a PC
By Rose Santiago - Saturday, February 8, 2020
Hi Rose Santiago, Your forum account is now active. You can now begin taking advantage of the features available to members.
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, February 9, 2020
We are recommending CrossOver :

From the feedback we are getting from our users, it takes a few minutes to install and it works.