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Where can I translate ...
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By Nand - Sunday, February 7, 2016
Any idea where I can find following text to translate it?

By vlepore - Sunday, February 7, 2016
Also I have never found where translate this phrase.
But the question is unfortunately useless, at least for now!
By Nand - Sunday, February 7, 2016
Why do you say it's "useless" Vittorino?

Did I miss something?
By Alex - Monday, February 8, 2016
vlepore (07-Feb-2016)
Also I have never found where translate this phrase.
this phrase and others phrases and tags -
new "Birthday and Date of Death"; tags Genogram, Options, Collaboration Setting, Problem Spotter, GenoPro Alphabets, Properties/Fonts, Phrase Editor, List Languages and some others.
By vlepore - Monday, February 8, 2016
Nand (08-Feb-2016)
Why do you say it's "useless"?
Did I miss something?

"Useless" because the folder where images and pictures should be stored in the destination report, is always "\media" and not that chosen. Or so it seems to me.
By GenoProSupport - Monday, February 8, 2016
Oops, I forgot to include this one.  I made an update.  Feel free to re-download and install version from the home page and you will be able to translate the text.

There are still a few entries in GenoPro 2016 which have been hardcoded in English and they are too complicated to translate.  This won't be the case in GenoProX as as we are building GenoProX, we put all the localizable text in a JSON file.