By Erhardt Stiefel - Thursday, March 17, 2016
Since the number of individuals in my family tree has exceeded about 14.000 the report generator produces an error when generating the toc_individuals.htm while publishing on my server. Investigating the problem it came out that the generation of toc_individuals.htm ist interrupted after writing about 14.800 and 15.200 lines of the toc_individuals file. The file size is then about 3.2 MB and the generation time aproximately 45 sec. I consulted my server administrator because I thougt of a limiting timer in the Server ftp control. But it came out that there is no time limitation on the server side and this must be probably in the GenoPro software.
I'm using still GenoPro® version
By genome - Friday, March 18, 2016
Do you know if the same error occurs if you publish either to a different server (e.g. or to a local folder?
By Erhardt Stiefel - Sunday, March 20, 2016
Depending on the time neccessary to generate the html-page 'toc_individuals' in the reporting it comes to an interruption after about 45 - 50 sec. The question is: Where is the timer control implemented?
Local reporting needs about 20.55 sec to generate the html-page 'toc_individuals'.  Reporting at your server ( needs about 25.29 sec to generate the html-page 'toc_individuals'.
 Reporting at my server ( is interrupted after 48.52 while generating the html-page 'toc_individuals'. The next processes therefore show writing errors ...
 The host administrator of my server has no idea and forced me to ask the developer of GenoPro ...
By Erhardt Stiefel - Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Why don't you give me an answer to my question?
Meanwhile I bought GenoPro 2016 but the problem is still there ...
By genome - Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Perhaps nobody has answered because no one knows the answer. Timeout values are typically set at the FTP server end. Your site appears to be using the package ProFTPD as its FTP server. This package currently has a reported problem of trnasfer timeouts when the administrator has set a low TransferRate value in the ProFTPD directives ( I suggest you ask your administrator to take another look as you have stated that there appears to be no problem using the GenoPro server.