By 460007 - Monday, May 30, 2016
What is the status of GenoProX? Updates have been non-existent. When will we see at least a Beta version to test?
By Acidus - Saturday, December 17, 2016
any news regarding GenoProX?? More than one year ago I paid for GenoProX... and still nothing... Did I give money for nothing? Update, please!
By blodulv - Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Also came here looking for a status update re: GenoProX; the last email I got was December 2015. That email said "see you next month!"
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, December 22, 2016
The guy responsible of the newsletter is no longer working with us. I prefer to spend my time with other developers writing code than sending emails. The problem with sending emails is we get a lot more questions and it takes time away from developers.
Here is a summary of GenoProX as of December 2016: - Text chat (working)
- File transfers (working)
- Audio chat (working)
- Screen sharing (working)
- Collaboration module (under development)
What took so long? One of our developers wrote some code to include audio (like Skype) and screen sharing so users may communicate with GenoProX. This is a great feature from many facets, one of which is technical support. GenoPro used to have a toll free telephone number and I would spend most of my days on the phone, sometimes not having time to write a single line of code. With voice and screen sharing, we can provide efficient support to our users, as opposed to have to guess over the phone what is the problem with the family tree. The integration of the audio and screen sharing into the master product took a good 6 months. This includes error recovery, disconnects and re-connections, and encryption using X.509 certificates with AES-256 keys. With this feature, GenoProX will have a directory where people may contact some of our support team. Instead of having a bunch of people crowded in a room, the technical support will be done with our existing GenoPro users willing to help others. GenoPro will pay those people for their time. Just look at the most active members on this forum and you will have an idea who might be on our support directory. During the past decade, many have contributed to the project however never received the financial reward they deserve for their work. The other big task has been a huge refactoring. GenoProX uses the XMPP protocol for its base communication (chat, file transfer, and even the collaboration module). The original architecture was based on XMPP accounts and had no concept of Profile. With the current version of GenoProX, you may create multiple profiles, say a personal profile and a business profile. Also, all the internal data structure was in XML which was changed to JSON. The biggest load was not to convert from XML to JSON, but while doing it, to "do the right thing". For instance, each profile may have multiple devices, such as a notebook, device and tablet. Therefore the data must be synchronized between the devices and this required extra work. While at it, we added a system of service discovery so the user (you) will never have to enter an IP address and port number to connect to another GenoPro server, whatever it is for voice, video or collaborating with other users. The collaboration is a difficult task. I am still defining the protocol for the collaboration. Next we need to merge the websocket code for the screen sharing and the collaboration. At the moment, GenoProX uses two sockets, one for each, however we want all communication of GenoProX to pass through a single TCP/IP socket and have GenoProX do the multiplexing internally.
By Acidus - Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Almost one year later, I have to ask the same question... What's going on? I paid for GenoproX a few years ago, I thought on that way I will support its development.Now, I feel deceived... Can you please give us some update and some screenshot??
By RedPark - Saturday, December 23, 2017
I remember hearing about this a while ago but wasn't sure of the option I wanted since I'm not sure if there is an easy way for family to view my tree and sign up themselves to pay to use the features or if I'd be expected to pay for it, goal would be to have everyone just like a facebook.
Anyways, the videos of the plan for it say 2017 yet its about to be 2018, so is there a delay? Why is there no update to give everyone an estimated time, if it's money have you tried Kickstarter? Is there no money left because its been spent for this long of development?
By GenoProSupport - Monday, January 22, 2018
For those wondering what is going on, during the holidays I got a new computer replacing my 8.5 years old development machine which started to literally fall apart. Since I have not moved my emails to my new development machine, I have been spending less time on my older computer and more time writing code on this new computer. This turned to be also a "vacation" from emails and the support forum. It has been 20 years since I started doing the GenoPro support and I am a bit tired of answering the same questions over and over again. Frequent questions are related to printing problems, unable to open .gno file because the file was corrupted (typically saved on a removable storage which failed due to a hardware problem), unable to install GenoPro because of some anti-virus preventing the installation, or a security policy at work, or because it is a Mac computer. Other frequent questions are from people unable to get their free registration key for whatever reason (typically a firewall issue), unable to find old .gno files on a computer, or how to transfer files from one computer to another.
Arturo and I have been working full time on GenoProX, literally around the clock. Since we are not looking for investors, we are spending our time writing new code and testing it. The only time I take away from coding is taking care of customer support. During the past months I have been working mostly on a grid widget for a Table Layout similar as GenoPro 2016. Since we are using Qt and want our code to be portable to other platforms such as Mac, Linux and tablets/smartphones we cannot reuse the old code of the Table Layout of GenoPro 2016 which was specific for Windows. After thinking for nearly two decades about improvements to the grid, we took this opportunity to make multiples improvements to it. At the moment, we have a functional grid widget in GenoProX and used by at least 10 plugins, including listing the family trees available, list of contacts, groups, friends of friends, private lists, picture albums, phone directory, address book and more. What we have at the moment: - Grid header with text and with icons. Icons are new because GenoPro 2016 was unable to draw icons in the header.
- The user can also change the order of the columns, and show/hide them, and those settings are remembered even in the case of new columns after an upgrade. Currently GenoPro 2016 does a very poor job with this because if new columns are added after an upgrade, chances all the columns settings are screwed up.
- The name of the columns are always localized. Unlike GenoPro 2016, there won't be any grid column which will have hardcoded English text because it was too complicated to localize them.
- Inheritance of one grid from another grid, to save code and simplify common localization.
- Large number of rows: the new grid can handle million of rows with proper scrolling. The built-in scrolling of Qt was limited to 29,126 rows.
- Low memory use: Each row takes only 8 bytes of RAM. This represents one third of the memory requirement of GenoPro 2016 for doing the same thing.
- Fast populate: A single memory allocation and moving a pointer to populate the entire grid. The speed gain ranges from 10 to 1000 times faster compared to GenoPro 2016.
- It is possible to have multiples dynamic icons in each cell, each with a distinct tooltip when the mouse is hovering to them. GenoPro 2016 cannot draw dynamic icons, only a single static icon per cell at best.
- Smart understanding of data types (numbers, text, binary data, objects) to display, sort and/or edit the data in the cell.
- Two-level sorting to maximize code reuse and maximize spacial locality of the CPU cache to enhance speed. I have not benchmarked the new grid sorting however my intuition is the new sort is at least twice faster than GenoPro 2016, and in some cases 10 times or more.
- Direct data access to methods of data objects. GenoPro 2016 was using virtual methods with a huge switch() statement to fetch the data of each cell. GenoProX has a new mechanism which is simpler, less prone to errors (bugs) and much more efficient in terms of speed.
- The new grid supports smart hyperlinks which means supporting hyperlinks is done with a single line of code.
- Smart context menus for known data types.
- Context menus on a per-cell basis, compared to GenoPro 2016 which was for an entire row. This allows better customization of context menus for specific cells.
- Copy cell, column or table to clipboard. You can also paste the entire grid to a spreadsheet such as Excel.
- Multiples 'zones' to display different data. Although this feature is not fully implemented, the design is capable to display multiples zones such as individuals, families, pictures together on the same grid, each with their own set of columns. This will be very useful when searching for something and have all the search results visible in a single table.
- Can handle huge amount of data. We have been populating our grid with several million of cells without problems. Since GenoProX will also be available in 64 bits, this means there will be virtually no limit on the size of a table.
What remains to be done on the grid: - Full Text Search. At the moment the user can start typing (or paste from the clipboard) and GenoProX will find the next row matching the text, however the built-in search to find any text anywhere within any cell.
For those still reading, we have a surprise feature in GenoProX. Arturo is including a blockchain based loyalty point system for our users. We have been thinking about such a feature for at least two years and we started writing code for it in November. Arturo has been working full time on it, and myself about one third of my time on it. I spent most of my time on the grid, other coding and also on administrative tasks such as technical support. For a long time the technical support has been my biggest burden. After the launch of GenoPro 2007, I was spending most of my days on the phone for technical support. Some days were so busy I would not had time to write a single line of code. The phone would ring before sunrise and very often after midnight. If I wanted to sleep I had to turn off my phone otherwise there was no way I could get any rest because GenoPro has users in every time zones around the globe. Also, I was eating most of my meals cold because a typical call was about 20 minutes it was almost impossible to hang up on them. After doing this for two years I decided to remove the toll free number from our website This was the best decision I made for GenoPro (and maybe prevented me to have a brain tumor from the radiations of the mobile phone). Besides, most of our calls were from students who never purchased GenoPro anyway, so this decision did not impact the sales much. I am writing this because it has been a decade of neglected support and GenoPro still get too much technical support. We tried having someone handling the support by email however it was a mess. Most of the time the same user/customer would receive either multiples replies from different people in our staff, or none at all because everyone in our staff thought someone else would answer to that user. We considered the option of having a call center, however there are too many issues, from training a competent staff to the cost of having a call center. Arturo has been the Swiss Army Knife of our team. He possesses a wide range of very useful skills. With Arturo we have been able to integrate high quality secure audio and screen sharing to GenoProX. This is important because from now on, we can provide our technical support directly within GenoProX. This will also save costs in two ways: no need to pay per minute for the toll free number, and more importantly, GenoProX can instantly pull the customer file history as the call is being made. Therefore someone contacting our customer service via GenoProX does not have to repeat his/her story each time, as it is the case with big call centers. Try calling the technical support for your phone or Internet provider and you get a new support representative each time and have to repeat your entire story every time. Also, with GenoProX screen sharing it is even better because the support representative can see your family tree while doing the support. Imagine how challenging it is to fix someone's family tree over the phone. Well I did it too many times, at the cost of time and money. If I had access to the screen of the user, the time to resolve the issue could have been reduced from 20 minutes to only 2 minutes. Having built-in audio and screen sharing in GenoProX, there is no need for a third party application such as Skype or TeamViewer, thus enabling our users to support each other. With GenoProX audio and screen sharing, there is no need to train staff and spend money on a call center. We are currently integrating a mechanism for users to compensate each other for their help. Likewise, GenoPro will use this facility to pay those who are handling support tickets and/or helping other GenoPro users. So far we have been giving free licenses to people who contributed to GenoPro and sometimes some PayPal money, however many never received a compensation which they deserved for helping GenoPro. Our solution will be the following: when a user purchases GenoProX, he/she will be given support tickets. If the user does not use his/her support ticket(s), then he/she gets an additional 6 months of VIP subscription per unused ticket. This gives the user an incentive to find a solution by her/himself, however if technical help is really needed, it is available. The person resolving the technical issue then receive an additional 6 months of subscription. This way anyone may offer technical support to GenoProX users. If you want to offer technical support on GenoProX, you enable your profile to be listed to our technical support directory and specify which languages you may offer technical support (English, French, Spanish, Italian, etc). When someone uses a support ticket, you will receive a message to your inbox. You will also be able to view if someone else is handling this ticket. If the user is happy (thumbs up) your answer then you get the support ticket. If we receive too many complaints from a support representative, we will remove this person from our directory. This does not mean that support person cannot handle tickets, but we will no longer list him/her in our directory. By keeping track of the reputation of each support representatives, the ones giving poor customer support will eventually be removed. If a support ticket is too complicated, GenoPro will subsidize it by boost its reward to increase the incentive to have someone handling it. In the worst case, someone from our staff will answer it. People listed in our support directory will also be able to exchange their extra months of subscriptions for cash, or give it to other GenoProX users. Another thing is we want to give an upgrade discount to GenoProX, as it is customary in the software industry to give a discount for those wishing to upgrade a product they purchased an older version of the software. Determining the discount is quite difficult because people have purchased GenoPro at different prices, ranging from $10 (in year 1999) to $49, some in different currencies USD, EUR and GBP. Sometimes people purchased GenoPro on a promotion and other times people purchased multiples licenses and received a volume discount. The challenge is having a fair upgrade discount for everyone. Given the complexity of keeping track of upgradable licenses and their values, collaboration VIP subscriptions, support tickets, we thought we could have a loyalty point system as a uniform unit of accounting. What we can do is give points for previous purchases and when a user wishes to buy a new GenoProX product, we subtract those points from the final amount. We are considering each point worth a penny ($0.01). Let's say someone has 1500 points in his/her GenoPro account and wishes to purchase something at $49, then by applying the points, the total amount billed will be $34. Likewise, if a user to purchase 12 month VIP subscription for $1 per month, then that user would have 300 points left. This point system also offer the flexibility for our users to change their mind on the GenoProX package purchased. We will honor the packages we listed in our crowdfunding page, however if a user wishes to purchase something different, then he/she can use his/her points to do so. Also, with a point system, we can have promotions, discounts, contests, bounties in addition of having a mechanism to reward users referring us new customers. In the past we were giving free licenses of GenoPro to those doing a significant contribution, however the $49 value of a license is quite a coarse granularity for giving rewards. With GenoPoints, we can give much more frequent rewards having very small values, such as single point. For instance, we can offer a reward of one GenoPoint for every word someone translates in GenoProX. Each month we could run a contest giving 10,000 GenoPoints to the best suggestion to improve the product. Likewise, anyone reporting a bug would receive 1,000 GenoPoints. Anyone reporting a crashing bug would receive 10,000 GenoPoints and 100,000 GenoPoints for a real security bug. All GenoPoints could be redeemed for licenses and/or benefits from GenoPro. For instance, a month of VIP subscription would cost 100 GenoPoints. There are many types of databases we could store our points. The simplest would be to use a traditional RDBMS SQL database, however with the help of Arturo, we can use a Blockchain. Blockchain is a cool buzzword nowadays however, for several years, we have been designing an blockchain architecture specific for GenoProX. We are not disclosing the technical details of our blockchain, however the implementation will be different than those listed at Arturo and I have been designing an architecture to make transfers faster and cheaper than anything seen before. We believe it is possible to have transfer time under 300ms with a fee below $0.01. I am fully aware GenoProX is way behind schedule. For myself, I will be working on the core of GenoProX collaboration while Arturo is developing the blockchain. We already have a functional plugin for Bitcoin Blockchain Explorer and we are handling 99% of transactions. There are still a few rare types of Bitcoin transactions we need to write code. We are trying to be as fair as possible: Those who contributed to our crowd funding of GenoProX will receive additional points at the rate of 1% per month. For instance, if you purchased GenoProX two years for $15, you will receive 1500 GenoPoints plus 24% (360 GenoPoints). Those who spend more than the minimum of $15 will also double their points for the difference. Let's say you spent $45 three years ago, then you will receive the following points: (4500 + 3000) * 1.36 = 10200 GenoPoints. Those who purchased GenoPro 2016 during or after year 2015 will receive one point per penny, typically 4900 points. Those who purchased GenoPro between 2010 and 2014 will receive a gradient of points ranging from 50% to 100% of their value, and those who purchased before 2010 will receive 50% of points (typically 2450 points). We will also give points to those who contributed to the support forum. If you are reading this, you are probably one of those who will receive such points. We do not have an exact formula, however it will be at least a few hundred of points for any genuine answer on the forum. On the same note, those who contributed to the translation/localization of GenoPro 2016 (or earlier) will receive points. We will also give points to those who contributed to the report generator. Again, all those points will be redeemable for different products, services, including technical support and additional benefits. Rest assured there has never been a more exciting time (for us). Sometimes I am having difficult time to fall asleep because I am thinking about the code. Since our GenoPoints will be on a blockchain, you will also be able to mine (harvest) them just by installing GenoProX.
By evilworld - Saturday, February 17, 2018
Can i help in translating geno pro x in italian?
By bogistad - Saturday, February 17, 2018
Thank you for the comprehensive status report of your activities, Dan. It's much appreciated.
While I appreciate that it cuts into development time, it would be very good to receive similar progress reports periodically. It is reasssuring to those of us who have invested in GenoPro both in time and financially to know what progress is being made.
By evilworld - Sunday, June 3, 2018
any news about the development?
By 212529 - Friday, August 31, 2018
It has been over three years since GenoProX was announced in July 2015. What is the current state of development? Can we get a summary of what remains to be done?
Are there any plans to release GenoProX Beta by the end of this year?
By GenoPro dev2 - Monday, September 3, 2018
Hi folks, first off I would like to apologize of not postingupdates more often. We are simply focusedon GenoProX development at 100%. We are very proud of how GenoProX is coming along. We are well aware that we are taking much longerthan we originally expected and part of that is why our resources are focused ongetting things done and not on talking about GenoProX. So what is the status? We work on GenoProX around the clock, weekends included. We have added manygreat features to GenoProX, we test regularly on Windows, MacOSX, and Linux. Our new grid is insanely more powerful andflexible than ever before. There will besome great surprises when we release GenoProX. GenoProX is build around collaboration. It breaths collaboration, this has an unfortunate side effect; addingnew features would break older features. We were aware of this from the beginning and it is the main reason whywe haven’t released any early builds to the public, and we even stopped sharingupdates with the close circle, as we would be forced to keep compatibility, andkeep supporting these early builds would just slow us down. We have reached the point of no longer adding more new majorfeatures. We have now shifted tofinishing/updating/testing/polishing the ones we have built. Our goal is to release a solid and reliableproduct as always. There is a lot ofunder the hood work that has been done to expand the possibilities far beyondwhat we will originally release, but we needed a solid base (drive train) forthis to happen, and not just create it and hope for the best, but to test itand make it grow. GenoProX is a whole new ecosystem that will allow us to addthe features you will want, even things that we haven’t thought about yet. It’s not just about drawing Genograms, it’s muchmore than that. Thank you for your patience. And, no, we don’t have a date to announce yet. We hope to have one soon.
By 212529 - Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Thank you for taking time and give us update on development of GenoProX. However this update reads pretty much same as last one in January 2018 (i.e. working around the clock, many great features, etc.). The only thing you did not mention is reward system based on blockchain, a star feature of last update.
After three years of waiting I am surprised there is not even rough timeframe for GenoProX release. This leads me to believe you are not even remotely done with development. Hopefully this is not the case.
Anyway, I do hope you release Beta sooner rather than later. I think customers could give you a valuable feedback.
By GenoPro dev2 - Thursday, September 27, 2018
Sorry I took a little bit to reply. I don't jump on the forum as often as maybe I should, we are particularly focused on getting the development done.
Since you brought it up, I'll talk a little bit about the rewards system. This is one of the features that has consumed a huge amount of time, way longer than we ever thought it would. GenoProX is decentralized by design. That means that it doesn't need our servers for you to use it or communicate, collaborate, and benefit from the rewards. We will have servers up to make things easier for users to communicate with each other behind firewalls, but you don't need them, plus you can run your own server if you choose to do so. This means that the rewards system is not one database that we hold and control that no one has access to, but basically everyone has access to it and it's based on private/public key encryption. Why did I not mentioned it on the previous post? Well the rewards system will not be released in the first early releases. There are a also a few other features that will not be in that release simply because they need polishing, however we needed to get the basic elements of theses in there because of the collaborative/decentralized nature of GenoProX. Once we release GenoProX to the general public it will be very difficult to make changes to the protocols. As we added more and more features we ran into shortcomings of the protocol, we then improved the protocol to handle more scenarios and be more flexible, which of course breaks the earlier stuff. That said, we are very happy with our protocol. Actually we are cramming this week to finalize it, and hopefully not have to make any more changes to it. We just finished and are testing changes to the privacy part of the protocol. As mentioned above, GenoProX is decentralized, updates that you make can be shared with others, but only with whom you choose, and your device notifies your "friends, family, coworkers, etc" about your updates. We don't hold a centralized database of this, clients just talk to each other automatically. However we do this very efficiently to avoid unnecessary redundant chatter. So where exactly are we at? Well, at this point we are going to focus primarily on polishing the Genogram drawing part. We are about to release a ver 2 of a small private out of office test. Ver one is way obsolete now but it is still being used on a daily basis. As any potential bugs get reported, we will fix those, however we don't plan to add anymore features. We are focused now focused on finishing and polishing everything we plan to publicly release in the short term. Why don't we give a rough date? Because if we give a date, many people will not see the "rough" part of it, and we rather not release something that we know still has issues that we can resolve in the short term if we wait a couple of weeks more. Too many products get released with well known issues simply because they had to release it and didn't have the time to get them fixed. We rather not do that. We are also VERY happy with our new grid. The Grid has grown to be just amazing. It is so powerful, it can handle insane amounts of data very efficiently. Actually the rewards system is the one to thank in good part for it. What does the Grid have to do with Genograms? A lot. Currently in GenoPro 20xx you have a grid view of your genograms. This is very useful in large genograms as you can quickly find any person faster in the grid. You can also multiselect on the grid (grouping by last name for example) and then they get selected in the genogram. You can also edit fields more quickly. Our new grid is a vast improvement over the old one. It can handle way more types of data, it is actually smart, more efficient, has way more and better interaction capabilities and more. I've tested it with more than 1.5 million elements and it can load them in a few seconds, and once loaded it doesn't even jitter once, even on a 9 year old laptop. The grid is simply the best way to view and manipulate huge amounts of data, such as large genograms. Hope this answers more of your questions, and we do apologize for not being more specific on the release date, hope you understand. Best wishes
By Acidus - Sunday, October 14, 2018
A few years ago (2008, to be precise) I bought GenoPro and I loved it. A few years later, you announce GenoProX and I was so happy that I paid immediately (Nov-2015) for this new version, thinking that on this way I will support your work and development of the GenoProX.And now (in 2018) I am truly disappointed that after 3 years, you guys don't have a single screenshot as proof of your work. Back then in 2015, I believed that GenoProX will be an amazing thing. Now, I believe that GenoProX is just another scam on the internet. Now, I don't care anymore about your progress on the GenoProX, I just wondering is there any chance of getting my money back? :thumbsdown:
By 646355 - Sunday, October 14, 2018
Can someone tell me IF and WHEN i am likely to get my copy of GenoproX family purchased when i downloaded genopro a couple of years ago now??? scam sounds about right!
By bogistad - Monday, October 15, 2018
"Numbers", you are still on an old version of GenoPro ( and you are not listed as a customer. That's strange! Why don't you download the latest version at least and take advantage of that?
By GenoPro dev2 - Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Quick update. Among other things, we are working on finalizing Group sync. Group sync is one of the last major features that needed some tweaking. GenoProX is Multidevice aware. In short, One profile can have multiple devices (two or more different computers/one profile) That person's profile can be in a group. When something new is added to the group, like a simple text message, or an update to a Genogram, we need to let every device know that it needs to sync. However, GenoProX is not dependent on a specific GenoPro server, it is after all a peer to peer software. But we don't want to blast new information repetitively to every device, so syncing between devices in a efficient manner is very important. We also have to consider that it's possible that the device may loose power before it finished saving/syncing, so sync needs to try to resync even if it failed to update it's local information.
Well, that's in short one of the bigger tickets of the moment.
Thank you for your support.
By evilworld - Thursday, November 15, 2018
can we say at least that GenoPro X will be released before the end of 2019?
By King Semsem - Thursday, November 15, 2018
I would like to know what functions are working and what functions are in development (and what is still left to do)...
I would love to have a nice list. Or at least have screenshots. Something. Prove that work is still being done.
By WaseK - Saturday, December 29, 2018
From reading all the posts it seems to me that developers are perfectionists, they wanted to release something completely new, but all together. They are also sticklers, so they dissipated they energy on bunch of features which are really not the key to the software (i.e. the very complicated reward system). It also seems they had some financial problems (just my personal speculation) so were not able to hire programmers, some person who would care just about PR, some person who would act as program manager (to place priorities) and person who would work with their fan base, which is pretty core and even could help if tuned well. Hopefully they got over it all, they will learn from their mistakes, hopefully they will not die programming and hopefully they will release working, reliable and stable version before we die waiting... ;-)
By 5yearuser - Sunday, December 30, 2018
Dear Forum: I don't post often. But read from time to time.Thanks for the updates. I have had a Genopro "Fat client" license since 2006 (Which makes me a 12yearuser :-) . The product does what I need it to. But could do more. Although I paid for 6 months of GenoProX membership, the product is no interest to me. I understand why you went to a subscriber model. (Hint $$$) But collaboration and sharing my family tree with others is not of interest. Genopro for me is in a steady state. It is the devil I know and gets me by. But at this point, I am not expecting a 4.x or 3.1 (Currently at of the "fat client" ever. If I cared more about genealogy, I would switch to another product. But low price and familiarity keeps me here. Frequent proactive communications on product roadmap sets proper expectations. But each company has their own way to do marketing. I appreciate you are giving up nights and weekends to do this. |
By ermesiti - Friday, January 4, 2019
Years and years...
By evilworld - Sunday, March 10, 2019
GenoPro dev2 (23-Oct-2018)
Quick update. Among other things, we are working on finalizing Group sync. Group sync is one of the last major features that needed some tweaking. GenoProX is Multidevice aware. In short, One profile can have multiple devices (two or more different computers/one profile) That person's profile can be in a group. When something new is added to the group, like a simple text message, or an update to a Genogram, we need to let every device know that it needs to sync. However, GenoProX is not dependent on a specific GenoPro server, it is after all a peer to peer software. But we don't want to blast new information repetitively to every device, so syncing between devices in a efficient manner is very important. We also have to consider that it's possible that the device may loose power before it finished saving/syncing, so sync needs to try to resync even if it failed to update it's local information. Well, that's in short one of the bigger tickets of the moment. Thank you for your support. Hi, do you have any news?
By 212529 - Wednesday, March 27, 2019
GenoProX was announced in July 2015. After +3 years we are still in the dark. Can we get update on the progress of the development? Maybe even a rough estimate of the release date? Maybe some screenshots?
Furthermore, just one thought. I would not mind to purchase strip down version of GenoProX. I do not need blockchain fueled reward system, build-in video collaboration, group sync, etc. In my humble opinion all this just poses security risk to private data.
I would be very much happy with just basic version, without all above ballast. I just need software with proper hyperlinks, and more options regarding displaying info on family tree.
Looking forward to read all about the recent progress done on GenoProX.
By evilworld - Wednesday, April 3, 2019
212529 (27-Mar-2019)
GenoProX was announced in July 2015. After +3 years we are still in the dark. Can we get update on the progress of the development? Maybe even a rough estimate of the release date? Maybe some screenshots? Furthermore, just one thought. I would not mind to purchase strip down version of GenoProX. I do not need blockchain fueled reward system, build-in video collaboration, group sync, etc. In my humble opinion all this just poses security risk to private data. I would be very much happy with just basic version, without all above ballast. I just need software with proper hyperlinks, and more options regarding displaying info on family tree. Looking forward to read all about the recent progress done on GenoProX. I personally would love to have the ability to access my tree on the go on my smartphone and tablets. When i visit relatives i don't want to carry my laptop and the tree on websites like myheritage is not updated
By 1817442 - Saturday, April 6, 2019
It all seems like a scam at this stage and I'm glad I never stumped up any further cash beyond the upgrade to Genopro 2016. I've asked in another forum what differences there are in the 2018 version but no one knows.
The attitude of the developers on this thread seems poor (apology for not replying to your post for several months/a year, not much more detail, complaining about staff issues). Hire a PR person, even part time, before you lose your loyal customer base.
By Acidus - Saturday, April 6, 2019
It's a scam for sure! We haven't seen a single screenshot. Almost three and a half years ago I gave them 45 USD for the development of GenoPro X... I feel so stupid now... We all should warn other people (online, genealogy conferences, etc.) about this GenoPro scam!
By Avrum Nadigel - Thursday, July 4, 2019
As an early backer of GenoPro X, I was/am extremely disappointed with the lack of progress. But complaining on these forums is wasted energy (and hasn't produced anything of value). Instead, I have spent the past couple of years trying different analog and digital solutions to create genograms. Finally, I think have stumbled upon a solution, and created a video documenting how I now create genograms in my practice: How to create Justin Trudeau's Genogram with Notability
Curious to hear how other Mac clinicians are creating genograms.
By bogistad - Saturday, July 6, 2019
Calling GenoPro X development a "scam" is totally unfair and unjustified. If anything, the developers seem to be perfectionists who are wanting to create an "all bells and whistles" software. I think there lies the problem, which makes most customers express their frustration in not seeing anything new for a number of years now.
I would also like to suggest that the developers consider releasing a cut-down, basic version of GenoPro X. I have a feeling that it's not appreciated by them that most users of GenoPro are not necessarily interested in a rewards system, a collaboration module, group sync, etc., but want the focus to be on enhancing the basic genealogy features of GenoPro, which after all is what this software is all about and why it was purchased in the first place by them. I think they would find if a poll was taken of GenoPro users, most would back that approach and would be happy to wait for the other enhancements to be introduced bit by bit. Personally, I don't regret supporting financially the development of GenoPro X (back in 2016!) but I urge the developers to adopt a more pragmatic approach. There is a danger here that if this development goes on much longer without some results being shown, the loyal customer base built up over the years will start to look for alternatives.
By evilworld - Sunday, July 7, 2019
The problems is that they haven't shown us anything over the years, nothing. a screenshot, a video, nothing.they should create a blog where they can post update regularly. I'm really tired of waiting!
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, July 10, 2019
We have been working full time on GenoProX and we are mostly done with the core components and our current focus is mostly about the details of drawing family trees and genograms. The collaboration module turned out to be far more complex than anticipated, as we wanted collaboration to be simple and easy to use. Sure we could have had a 'server' version where the server admin would create accounts for every user client wishing to view or edit a family tree on his/her server, and then users would enter an IP address to connect to that server to view a family tree. Although the client-server architecture appears as the simplest approach, it has severe security issues and many technical limitations, and would make it complicated for a grandmother to share her family tree with the rest of her family. So instead of using a database of accounts, typically with email addresses and passwords, we had to develop our own communication platform with our own identifiers. With GenoProX there are no passwords: you grant permission to contact. In other words, you specify which contacts you grant access to a certain resource, such as a family tree, picture album or some other types of files. To make your life simpler, GenoProX has "Privacy Lists" which are lists of contacts, such as "Family Members", "Close Friends", "Coworkers", "Customers", "VIP Clients", etc. You may also create your own Privacy Lists. To make it easy to add contacts to Privacy Lists, we had to write the code to automatically discover friends of friends so it is easier for you to find contacts you wish to share resources, such as sharing your family tree with your family members. In short, we developed a decentralized peer-to-peer social network, and this task required considerable development time.Some of our recent work has been: - Automatic creation of a collaboration project when creating a new family tree. To make collaboration simple, the default settings are in a way that everyone in your Privacy List named "Family Members" automatically have access to your family tree. Of course, at any time, you may add or remove people to/from your Privacy List named "Family Members" or ban specific users from a family tree.

- Automatic publishing of the names of the family trees available to uses. For instance, if someone in your family creates a new family tree, then you will instantly see the name of that new family tree available to you. If you are a professional doing genograms, then all your coworkers will see all the genograms you wish to share with them.
- Automatic temporary subscription of a family tree when clicking on it. Clicking on the family tree will download it to your local machine and make you a temporary subscriber of a few hours, so any modification within that temporary subscription, you will see appear on your screen automatically. When your subscription expires, then you have to click on the family tree, or move the mouse over the family tree, to indicate you are still interested in that family tree. The concept of having a temporary subscription is to make sure only interested parties are notified when the family tree gets modified. You may also explicitly subscribe to a family tree to always receive (and download) the latest updates.
- Security settings where you may revoke/deny the subscription of a subscriber.
- Basic collaboration where objects which are created, modified or deleted on the master family tree are broadcasted to the subscribers, and the subscribers do replay the collaboration history to reproduce the same family tree on their local computer(s). This code required a rewrite of how objects are updated. For instance, in GenoPro 2019, the undo is done by taking a snapshot of an object before performing an action (such as changing the name, or the color of a label), and when the user clicked on Undo, GenoPro 2019 would restore the state of the object. With collaboration, one user may change the text of a label while another user may change the color of that label. As a result, performing an Undo action cannot be done by restoring the original state, but by restoring only what was modified by the specific user to undo the action. As a result, GenoProX must keep track of everything that was modified, down to the latest detail, rather than keeping snapshots of entire objects and restoring those objects when an undo/redo has to be performed.
- Built-in hyperlinks of all types of objects, such as individuals, families, links. In GenoPro 2019, only individuals may be hyperlinked, but in GenoProX, any object displayed may be hyperlinked to another GenoMap (or the same GenoMap if desired).
- Brand new AutoLayout written from scratch. So far, this is a screenshot of what our AutoLayout is producing. When there are multiples spouses, the AutoLayout automatically assign a different color to the family lines (the horizontal lines) to make it easier to locate different families.

What needs to be done:- At the moment only the master family tree may push information to all its subscribers. What needs to be done is to also have subscribers to push their modifications to the master family tree which in turn will broadcast the changes to the other subscriber(s). This is easier said than done because the identifiers on the local copy are different than the identifiers on the master copy, so more code must be written to consolidate the identifiers.
- There are still some types of operations, mostly arrays of objects, which are not synchronized within a collaboration project.
- Auditing. At the moment some types of operations are audited, such as when an object (individual, family, picture) was deleted and by whom, or which GenoMap was last modified (and by whom), however there are still operations which do not update, and the undo/redo module must also be able to undo/redo those audit updates.
- Smart deletion. For instance, if someone deletes a GenoMap, this GenoMap should still be visible in the list of GenoMap, and only the admin may confirm such a deletion.
- Rollback of an entry in the collaboration history. This is like the undo operation, however done on the actions performed by another user.
- Editing of properties via the right-panel must be completely rewritten. So far GenoProX has a grid table (aka Table Layout) to edit the properties of objects, such as the name of an individual, its date of birth, or change its color. The right panel to edit the properties is no longer working because of the collaboration module (it works only to display the information, such as the name of the label or its color, however cannot modify the values). Also, this panel was one of the first code written for GenoProX, before the grid table, and is no longer compatible with the current code. GenoPro 2019 was using Tag Definitions ( ) to determine which properties to import, export or display in the grid table. We are using a completely different technology for GenoProX which works with the collaboration module, and also is less bug-prone and far more performant.
- The z-order of objects has been hardcoded and must be more flexible to allow the user to move an object before or after another object.
- Toolbar buttons to align or center objects easily.
- Additional cases for the AutoLayout when dealing with complex family trees. Arturo is working full time on it

By 212529 - Friday, July 12, 2019
Today marks exactly 4 years since GenoProX has been announced. I was excited to read recent update on development. Unfortunately update is short on good news. GenoProX is far from being finished. Given your to do list and pace of development it will take another 4 years.
I am also little disappointed over communication between developers and this forum. Last update was posted in September 2018. That is a long wait. Is there a way you could provide us with monthly updates? For software which is being developed full time, surely there is lot of progress done in one month.
All in all, it looks like the core problem is collaboration. This will continue to slow down development on other areas of the software, like features for drawing genograms. Does GenoProX offer simultaneous display of date and place of birth and death? This was one of more desired featured in the past. So far, screenshot you have provided show only basic drawing flexibility.
Why not move forward with simplified GenoProX? Why not release GenoProX without collaboration, video chat, reward system etc.? There are not many users requesting those features. How often do people work on exactly same genogram? And when it comes to sharing your work with family, there are countless cloud possibilities.
Simplified GenoProX release would allow you to work on collaboration in peace, while users will give you great feedback on the new software and how to improve it. Not to forget you will also have a new stream of income from this release.
Thank you again for the update, it was much appreciated.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, July 12, 2019
I agree with you the development of GenoProX is way behind schedule and it is very embarrassing to talk about it. It is not that there have been major problems, but each task required more time than anticipated, starting with having a communication platform for multi-user collaboration.
Why not move forward with simplified GenoProX? Why not release GenoProX without collaboration, video chat, reward system etc.? There are not many users requesting those features. Releasing a version of GenoProX without collaboration would make it almost impossible to add collaboration later and would impede the development speed significantly. People expect a product with backward compatibility so when they upgrade they do not lose their work. As a result, on top of having to deal with the challenges of writing code for collaboration, we would have to have complicated convoluted code just to maintain backward compatibility with earlier releases. This extra code to maintain backward compatibility would be very bug prone because of the difficulty to test every upgrade path. There is no plan for video chat in any near future, and the reward system is only when we have a fully functional GenoProX with collaboration released to the public.
How often do people work on exactly same genogram? This is our biggest request, and it comes mostly from our enterprise customers. We have social workers, lawyers, investment banks, hospitals, and universities wishing to share genograms with co-workers and their clients. For instance, with collaboration, a professor may view in real-time all the genogram of his/her students, similar as security personnel could watch 16 video feeds simultaneously, and if a student needs helps, the professor may fix the genogram (or family tree) with a few mouse clicks. No need to send the .gno file by email, fix it, and send it back. With collaboration you always have a backup. You may collaborate with "yourself" such as another computer you rarely use, or your smartphone. Would you like to have your smartphone have a copy of your family tree, or your contacts in it? We have so many people in my family, my relatives and the friends of my kids that I cannot remember all of them, however with a smartphone keeping a copy of all of them, this collaboration feature would be very useful for my wife and I to always keep up-to-date our contact list.
And when it comes to sharing your work with family, there are countless cloud possibilities. Sharing a file on the web is easy. The challenge is having multiples users editing the same document simultaneously in real-time. Do you know any cloud solution capable of this? Please let me know.Simplified GenoProX release would allow you to work on collaboration in peace, while users will give you great feedback on the new software and how to improve it. Not to forget you will also have a new stream of income from this release. This is why we have GenoPro 2019. PS: You may create text labels to display simultaneously the place of birth and place of death. Usually those fields are a bit long so they need multiples lines, and perhaps a smaller font size, to appear nicely in the family tree. This is what text labels are for. GenoProX has an architecture of Observers where an object may register itself as an observer of another. This will be useful for text labels automatically fetching their values from another object. For instance, a text label could display the profession of an individual, and if you change the profession, then the text of the label will be automatically updated in the family tree.
By 1817442 - Saturday, July 13, 2019
Has to be said: no one replied to my post asking what improvements there was between 2016 and 2018's versions, so I'm unlikely to pay another time for an upgrade to fund a version I'm not that interested in.
2016's version was a big improvement on the earlier ones and despite having paid for a gold licence many years ago, I paid for that upgrade.
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, July 14, 2019
The improvements between GenoPro 2016 to GenoPro 2019 have been very minor, mostly bug fixes we discovered along the way, and a new security features for our enterprise customers.
By the way, your registration key for GenoPro 2016 is also valid for GenoPro 2019.
By evilworld - Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Thanks for the update, we really appreciate. I use Geno Pro using Crossover on a Mac and i can't wait to have a native app for Mac OS and the possiblity of keeping the tree with me in my smartphone and tablet at all time
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, July 18, 2019
We are compiling a Mac version every month, and so far all the features of GenoProX are working on Mac OSX 64-bit.
By appleshaw - Thursday, July 18, 2019
Have you seen
By 212529 - Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Dear developers of GenoProX,
It is almost 4 and half years since GenoProX was announced. Can you give some update on development? Some screenshots of the GenoProX interface and genograms would be nice. I am wondering if GenoProX will ever be released. It was assured that this is full-time project, yet updates are far in between and with little progress to show. I would appreciate an honest answer.
Please reconsider releasing strip-down version of GenoProX. I understand that your target groups for GenoProX are enterprise users who need collaboration. However I dare to say many genealogy researchers would be happy with simpler update such as simultaneous display of multiple key data (e.g. date and place of birth, marriage, and death), simple hyperlinking of individuals or objects, and compatibility with iOS.
Looking forward to read all about the recent progress done on GenoProX.
By evilworld - Thursday, May 28, 2020
GenoProSupport (10-Jul-2019)
We have been working full time on GenoProX and we are mostly done with the core components and our current focus is mostly about the details of drawing family trees and genograms. The collaboration module turned out to be far more complex than anticipated, as we wanted collaboration to be simple and easy to use. Sure we could have had a 'server' version where the server admin would create accounts for every user client wishing to view or edit a family tree on his/her server, and then users would enter an IP address to connect to that server to view a family tree. Although the client-server architecture appears as the simplest approach, it has severe security issues and many technical limitations, and would make it complicated for a grandmother to share her family tree with the rest of her family. So instead of using a database of accounts, typically with email addresses and passwords, we had to develop our own communication platform with our own identifiers. With GenoProX there are no passwords: you grant permission to contact. In other words, you specify which contacts you grant access to a certain resource, such as a family tree, picture album or some other types of files. To make your life simpler, GenoProX has "Privacy Lists" which are lists of contacts, such as "Family Members", "Close Friends", "Coworkers", "Customers", "VIP Clients", etc. You may also create your own Privacy Lists. To make it easy to add contacts to Privacy Lists, we had to write the code to automatically discover friends of friends so it is easier for you to find contacts you wish to share resources, such as sharing your family tree with your family members. In short, we developed a decentralized peer-to-peer social network, and this task required considerable development time. Some of our recent work has been: - Automatic creation of a collaboration project when creating a new family tree. To make collaboration simple, the default settings are in a way that everyone in your Privacy List named "Family Members" automatically have access to your family tree. Of course, at any time, you may add or remove people to/from your Privacy List named "Family Members" or ban specific users from a family tree.

- Automatic publishing of the names of the family trees available to uses. For instance, if someone in your family creates a new family tree, then you will instantly see the name of that new family tree available to you. If you are a professional doing genograms, then all your coworkers will see all the genograms you wish to share with them.
- Automatic temporary subscription of a family tree when clicking on it. Clicking on the family tree will download it to your local machine and make you a temporary subscriber of a few hours, so any modification within that temporary subscription, you will see appear on your screen automatically. When your subscription expires, then you have to click on the family tree, or move the mouse over the family tree, to indicate you are still interested in that family tree. The concept of having a temporary subscription is to make sure only interested parties are notified when the family tree gets modified. You may also explicitly subscribe to a family tree to always receive (and download) the latest updates.
- Security settings where you may revoke/deny the subscription of a subscriber.
- Basic collaboration where objects which are created, modified or deleted on the master family tree are broadcasted to the subscribers, and the subscribers do replay the collaboration history to reproduce the same family tree on their local computer(s). This code required a rewrite of how objects are updated. For instance, in GenoPro 2019, the undo is done by taking a snapshot of an object before performing an action (such as changing the name, or the color of a label), and when the user clicked on Undo, GenoPro 2019 would restore the state of the object. With collaboration, one user may change the text of a label while another user may change the color of that label. As a result, performing an Undo action cannot be done by restoring the original state, but by restoring only what was modified by the specific user to undo the action. As a result, GenoProX must keep track of everything that was modified, down to the latest detail, rather than keeping snapshots of entire objects and restoring those objects when an undo/redo has to be performed.
- Built-in hyperlinks of all types of objects, such as individuals, families, links. In GenoPro 2019, only individuals may be hyperlinked, but in GenoProX, any object displayed may be hyperlinked to another GenoMap (or the same GenoMap if desired).
- Brand new AutoLayout written from scratch. So far, this is a screenshot of what our AutoLayout is producing. When there are multiples spouses, the AutoLayout automatically assign a different color to the family lines (the horizontal lines) to make it easier to locate different families.

What needs to be done:- At the moment only the master family tree may push information to all its subscribers. What needs to be done is to also have subscribers to push their modifications to the master family tree which in turn will broadcast the changes to the other subscriber(s). This is easier said than done because the identifiers on the local copy are different than the identifiers on the master copy, so more code must be written to consolidate the identifiers.
- There are still some types of operations, mostly arrays of objects, which are not synchronized within a collaboration project.
- Auditing. At the moment some types of operations are audited, such as when an object (individual, family, picture) was deleted and by whom, or which GenoMap was last modified (and by whom), however there are still operations which do not update, and the undo/redo module must also be able to undo/redo those audit updates.
- Smart deletion. For instance, if someone deletes a GenoMap, this GenoMap should still be visible in the list of GenoMap, and only the admin may confirm such a deletion.
- Rollback of an entry in the collaboration history. This is like the undo operation, however done on the actions performed by another user.
- Editing of properties via the right-panel must be completely rewritten. So far GenoProX has a grid table (aka Table Layout) to edit the properties of objects, such as the name of an individual, its date of birth, or change its color. The right panel to edit the properties is no longer working because of the collaboration module (it works only to display the information, such as the name of the label or its color, however cannot modify the values). Also, this panel was one of the first code written for GenoProX, before the grid table, and is no longer compatible with the current code. GenoPro 2019 was using Tag Definitions ( ) to determine which properties to import, export or display in the grid table. We are using a completely different technology for GenoProX which works with the collaboration module, and also is less bug-prone and far more performant.
- The z-order of objects has been hardcoded and must be more flexible to allow the user to move an object before or after another object.
- Toolbar buttons to align or center objects easily.
- Additional cases for the AutoLayout when dealing with complex family trees. Arturo is working full time on it

Do you have any new updates about Geno Pro X?
By smilermike - Saturday, June 13, 2020
My Web page stats have not been updated for more than a week I am just seeing a flat line zero visits
By Acidus - Sunday, October 25, 2020
It has been 5 YEARS since I paid for GenoProX, I thought I will support the development of this software, but GenoProX ended up to be a scam!
How can I get my money back!?!?!
By evilworld - Saturday, January 2, 2021
any news?please!! when will we see the complete edition of GenoPro X? 5 years? I'm so tired of waiting .... the current version of genopro looks like a windows 98 program
By Acidus - Sunday, October 10, 2021
It has been 6 years!! SIX YEARS since I paid for GenoProX!!! Still nothing!!!!!!!!!
By evilworld - Wednesday, October 20, 2021
it's outrageous
By Avrum Nadigel - Monday, November 1, 2021
I too paid/supported for the new and improved (and Mac compatible) software. I feel like a sucker. I'd ask for a refund, but given the developer's disappearing act, I'm assuming the money is lost.
By ermesiti - Friday, November 5, 2021
You have been a disappointment
By bogistad - Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Unless it was posted elsewhere, it has been now been two and a half years since the last status update. As we head into 2022, what has been achieved over that time period is a complete mystery to the loyal subscribers of GenoPro, let alone when this development might see the light of day. I wonder if it ever occurs to the developers that this is not the way a project should be conducted or customers who have invested in the project should be treated.
I feel embarrassed that I recommended GenoPro to many of my friends and acquaintances when they ask me when the new software is going to be implemented. I would like to request an update.
By evilworld - Thursday, December 30, 2021
i think that there is just one person who is working on the project, until now he only had to do minor adjustments to geno pro but geno pro x is a project too big for one person
By bogistad - Saturday, September 3, 2022
Ron, I apologise for asking you but there is no point in asking either Dan or anyone else in GenoPro for an update on what is happening with this organisation. Requests from many for progress reports are ignored and treated with indifference. Quite an unbelievable attitude really!
I realise that you are not directly connected to GenoPro but I assume you have contact with them. If you have any more information then we do, could I please ask you let us know what is happening with any development or even with GenoPro as an ongoing concern? Or even just what your opinion is on all this. I need to know as I wish to make my research of the past 20 years available to relatives overseas and I don't want them to purchase GenoPro if there is no hope for any advancement in the software. Please ignore my request if you don't feel comfortable doing this but I have always respected and appreciated your input into this forum plus the assistance you gave me in the past when I was setting up my book on my family history. Bob
By genome - Sunday, September 4, 2022
Hi Bob,I am not actually in regular communication with Dan, it has always been a bit hit and miss.  The last I heard from him was in an email at the beginning of this year when he said he was resolved to finish GenoProX, having put all other projects to one side. However as usual no indication of when the finish date might be. At that time I requested that my latest Report Skins bundle be incorporated in GenoPro.exe but this request received no response and has not been actioned. The last Genopro.exe release is dated June 2020. I believe the last statement we have re GenoProX 'status' was in a post in April 2022 where Dan states: GenoProX is a completely different product not yet available. We are working full time on it. Many technical difficulties with the Collaboration Module.
Once upon a time Dan tried to add collaboration to GenoPro and that had to be abandoned due to implementation difficulties. Will GenoProX suffer the same fate?  So have Dan and his colleague 'bitten off more than they can chew'? I believe the design features of GenoProX are far too broad, trying to be 'all things to all men'. The academic and social care market seems to be very important to GenoPro, perhaps even more so than the personal genealogist. But would it not have been better to adopt a phased approach, with first something more simple for the personal market with a multi-platform beta release to iron out the bugs and then add then bells and whistles such as health and pedigree features? I have no idea about the reporting features of GenoProX. I have in the past offered to write reports but have not been privy to the file format to be used and so cannot assist at present. Things like the Narrative Report are not required by academic/sociology users so not a priority? And I'm a bit long in the tooth now and so may not be able to contribute. But coming back to GenoPro, it has been around for some 34 years now and I think that so long as there is a Windows platform, GenoPro will still exist, but with the caveat that it is reliant on the dedication and will of one man. If you are happy with it as it is then continue to use it, unless you find something better to present your family tree. Your data is safe and relatively easy to transfer if needed using Export to Gedcom (Report Generator version of course !!). I for example have imported my data via Gedcom into to take advantage of its many research tools and DNA matching. Your relatives can use a Gedcom export to import to the genealogy software of their choice, or just use the latest version without purchasing for viewing only. Hope this helps  |
By bogistad - Sunday, September 4, 2022
Thank you, Ron, for your reply. If you of all people, as someone who has put so much work into this, cannot get a response then the rest of us certainly have no hope!
Your reply is much appreciated and very much confirms my thinking too regarding the scope of what is attempted and also at whom it's primarily aimed. It is unfortunate that there wasn't a version created specifically for the those amateur genealogists who are not interested in the facilities that institutions might find useful. I agree with you that would have been a better approach to take rather than trying to be all things to all men. I will follow your suggestion regarding the approach to take with my relatives. I have used your Export to GEDCOM using the Report Generator facility in the past when setting up my family genealogy book and suggested its use to others. At one time, you even created a version for me to include godparents! Bob
By evilworld - Friday, April 26, 2024
Hello, any news? How is it possible that we are unable to contact Daniel Morin? I appreciate GenoPro, but I am exhausted from the inability to access my tree on my iPad or smartphone. I have yet to find a genealogy software that I enjoy as much as GenoPro because, unlike other software where family trees are fixed, GenoPro allows me to formulate hypotheses.
By evilworld - Friday, April 26, 2024
i've just sent a message on linkedin to Daniel Morin.This is my message Dear Mr. Morin,
I have been using your GenoPro program for my personal family tree since 2005.
Could you possibly release any updates on GenoPro X?
I appreciate your software for its flexibility, allowing a dynamic family tree rather than a static one, unlike other genealogical software. However, the wait has become quite exhausting.
I am eager to access my tree instantly on my smartphone or tablet and update FamilySearch and/or Ancestry directly, without the need for third-party software.
We, the users, implore you to update us on the situation.
Thank you for your attention.
By ermesiti - Monday, July 8, 2024
Let us know if and when he will answer in the centuries to come.
By bogistad - Wednesday, July 10, 2024
As far as I can tell, Daniel hasn't been on since 12 May 2024.
Quite unbelievable really! I wish they would just level with us.
By bogistad - Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Hi RonI notice that Dan hasn't been on here for almost 3 months. Would you know what's happening with him and in general? Have you had any communication with them? Thank you, Bob.
By genome - Thursday, August 1, 2024
Hi Bob, I have sent you an email. I remain confident that GenoProX will be released and that we should 'keep the faith' unless we hear something concrete to the contrary.
By bogistad - Saturday, August 3, 2024
Hi Ron!
Thank you for that. I have received your email and sent a reply. Fingers crossed re your assesment.
By evilworld - Saturday, February 1, 2025
Ten years have passed since the development of GenoProX first began.