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Report Errors
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By Erhardt Stiefel - Friday, August 19, 2016
When I start the Report Generator for the first time after some edition work it takes a long time (10-20s) and then a bunch of erros are indicated like shown in the picture below.
When I start the Report Gnerator again then there are no errors indicated.
The same behaviour is shown after every new start of GenoPro 2016.
Where do I find an adapted Config.xml for GenoPro 2016?
By genome - Friday, August 19, 2016
The error messages are spurious and hopefully Dan will remove them from the Report Generator soon.

Configuration Messages for your local language should be placed in ConfigMsgLocal.xml in the root folder of your Narrative Report skin. This is essentially a translation of Narrative Common\Code\ConfigMsgBase.xml (See for example {IT} Report HTML\ConfigMsgLocal.xml )
By dipol68 - Wednesday, August 8, 2018
After GenoPro updated for, Generate Report return Error:

Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\{EN} Narrative Report\*  (2018.03.09)'...
Loading Dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'bootstrap.vbs'...
[0.36] Error: "Code" folder not linked to "Narrative Common\Code" folder!
[0.36] Please delete folder "C:\Users\Павел\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\Code" and then try again to gen

After Delete folder:

1st time run - One time initialisation required to link to common code folder
1st time run - Success linking to common code. The actual Report has not been generated. Now click 'Generate' again to generate the Report.

After start, Error is present again.

Before GenoPro update Generate Report worked correctly.
By genome - Saturday, August 11, 2018
Not sure what is going on there. Could you try the following line from a command prompt:

"C:\Users\Павел\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\Narrative Common\junction.exe" "C:\Users\Павел\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\Code"

and report the result back here.  This is the same command that bootstrap.vbs runs to test whether or not the Code folder is linked correctly.
By dipol68 - Saturday, August 11, 2018
By genome - Monday, August 13, 2018
Looks like Microsoft's junction.exe does not disoplay non-Latin characters in file paths correctly so when the script compares the path given by junction.exe to what is expected there is a mismatch. 

 I have changed bootstrap.vbs script to use 'dir /A:ld' to list the junction instead of using junction.exe for this.

See later post for version to replace the one in {EN} Narrative Report ( or any other Narrative Report e.g. {RU} Narrative Report}
By dipol68 - Monday, August 13, 2018
Can you send me more detail about steps what I must do?
By Alex - Monday, August 13, 2018
dipol68 (09-Aug-2018)
After GenoPro updated for, Generate Report return Error:
[0.36] Error: "Code" folder not linked to "Narrative Common\Code" folder!
[0.36] Please delete folder "C:\Users\Павел\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\Code" and then try again to gen
After Delete folder:
1st time run - One time initialisation required to link to common code folder
1st time run - Success linking to common code. The actual Report has not been generated. Now click 'Generate' again to generate the Report.
After start, Error is present again.

I see the same error only in Windows 7.
Windows XP and Windows 10 without problems.
With a new bootstrap.vbs :
By genome - Friday, August 17, 2018
My mistake, it looks like the bootstrap.vbs  file in an earlier post did not work as I expected. I have therefore attached an amended version that I hope will fix this issue Satisfied

Download the file bootstrap.vbs that is attached to this post and copy to the {EN} Narrative Report folder, or any other Narrative Report folder e.g. {RU} Narrative Report} below your GenoPro Skins folder, replacing the previous version of this file.

You can discover the path toyour GenoPro Skins folder by looking at the bottom of the Options tab of the GenoPro  dialog.
By dipol68 - Saturday, August 18, 2018
After that:
Error at line 62, position 1 (bootstrap.vbs): 
By genome - Saturday, August 18, 2018
The only reason  I can think of for that error is that the script failed to find the junction.exe file in the Narrative Common folder below your GenoPro skins folder. 

Please check that you still have within your GenoPro skins folder a Narrative Common folder containing a Code folder and the junction.exe file.
By dipol68 - Sunday, August 19, 2018
1/ " junction.exe file in the Narrative Common folder " - did it
2/ start Generate Report

3/ After Delete "Code" folder
By Alex - Monday, August 20, 2018
GenoPro-3013, GenoPro-3014, {EN}Narrative Report with old and new bootstrap.vbs:

Windows 10 - OK.
Windows 7:
[1.43] Error: "Code" folder not linked to "Narrative Common\Code" folder!
[1.43] Please delete folder "C:\Users............
Windows XP: with old bootstrap.vbs - OK,
with new bootstrap.vbs:
Error: "Code" folder not linked to "Narrative Common\Code" folder!
Please delete folder................. 
By dipol68 - Friday, August 24, 2018
Alex (20-Aug-2018)
GenoPro-3013, GenoPro-3014, {EN}Narrative Report with old and new bootstrap.vbs:

Windows 10 - OK.

What do you mean? Not OK. It doesn't work
By genome - Friday, August 24, 2018
I am still unable to understand why you getting this error.  In order to try and get a better idea I have added some extra diagnostics to the amended bootstrap.vbs script which will be triggered if a file debug.txt is also present in the skin folder.  

Please download the attached bootstrap.vbs and debug.txt files and placed in your {EN} Narrative Report folder and then try to run the report. Please then provide details from the Report Log section of the Generate Report dialog.

I have also allowed for the check for a properly linked Code to be bypassed. This will be the case if a file named nocheck.txt is present in the skin folder. Download this file as well to try this option.

N.B. debug.txt and nocheck.txt can be empty files but I had to put text in them in order to upload them here as this forum ignores empty files.
By Alex - Saturday, August 25, 2018
dipol68 (24-Aug-2018)
...What do you mean?...
I mean my Windows 10 PC.
By Alex - Saturday, August 25, 2018
{EN} Narrative Report (after reinstalling GenoPro v.
1. Windows XP (32 bit), {EN} Narrative Report - OK
   {EN} Narrative Report with new bootstrap.vbs and debug.txt, nocheck.txt:
Generating report to 'C:\1\'
Cloning document HarryPotter...
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\{EN} Narrative Report\*  (2018.03.09)'...
Loading Dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'bootstrap.vbs'...
Истина ? C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\Application Data\GenoPro\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\debug
Checking for folder C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\Application Data\GenoPro\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\Code\
1st time run - One time initialisation required to link to common code folder
[0.03] Cannot find file C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\Application Data\GenoPro\Skins\Narrative Common\Code\junction.exe

But junction.exe path
C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\Application Data\GenoPro\Skins\Narrative Common\junction.exe

2. Windows 7 (64 bit):
 Generating report to 'C:\1\'
Cloning document HarryPotter...
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\{EN} Narrative Report\*  (2018.03.09)'...
Loading Dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'bootstrap.vbs'...
1st time run - One time initialisation required to link to common code folder
1st time run - Success linking to common code. The actual Report has not been generated. Now click 'Generate' again to generate the Report.
End of Report Initialisation
After click 'Generate' again
[0.23] Error: "Code" folder not linked to "Narrative Common\Code" folder!
[0.23] Please delete folder "C:\Users\Александр\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\Code" and then try again to generate report
With new bootstrap.vbs and debug.txt, nocheck.txt:
Generating report to 'C:\1\'
Cloning document HarryPotter...
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\{EN} Narrative Report\*  (2018.03.09)'...
Loading Dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'bootstrap.vbs'...
Истина ? C:\Users\Александр\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\debug
Checking for folder C:\Users\Александр\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\Code\
1st time run - One time initialisation required to link to common code folder
[0.03] Cannot find file C:\Users\Александр\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\Narrative Common\Code\junction.exe

But junction.exe path
C:\Users\Александр\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\Narrative Common\junction.exe

3. Windows 10 (32 bit), {EN} Narrative Report - OK
 {EN} Narrative Report with new bootstrap.vbs and debug.txt, nocheck.txt:
Generating report to 'C:\1\'
Cloning document HarryPotter...
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\{EN} Narrative Report\*  (2018.03.09)'...
Loading Dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'bootstrap.vbs'...
Истина ? C:\Users\ALEX\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\debug
Checking for folder C:\Users\ALEX\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\Code\
1st time run - One time initialisation required to link to common code folder
[0.01] Cannot find file C:\Users\ALEX\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\Narrative Common\Code\junction.exe

But junction.exe path
C:\Users\ALEX\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\Narrative Common\junction.exe
By Nand - Saturday, August 25, 2018
Alex, there is a difference in the paths.

He's looking at

C:\Users\ALEX\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\Narrative Common\Code\junction.exe
C:\Users\ALEX\AppData\Roaming\GenoPro\Skins\Narrative Common\junction.exe

(notice the \Code\ sub-folder)
By genome - Sunday, August 26, 2018
Yep, my mistake, I obviously added that check after testing the rest of it but got the path wrong, I blame it on another 'senior moment'.  Hopefully the attached works better!
By dipol68 - Sunday, August 26, 2018
genome (26-Aug-2018)
Yep, my mistake, I obviously added that check after testing the rest of it but got the path wrong, I blame it on another 'senior moment'.  Hopefully the attached works better!

My Genarate Report option with new bootstrap working properly. Win 10/GenoPro
Thank you