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GenoPro questionnaire
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By 1749914 - Thursday, October 27, 2016
Has anyone developed a questionnaire a counselee could fill out in order to help the counselor create a client's GenoPro diagram?
Thanks for any help.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, October 27, 2016
I am not aware of any.  Do you have any suggestions?
By V.L.o - Thursday, December 8, 2016
Just a suggestion,

I had to create similar form for data input at my work. 

Questionnaire I built included key data about person.

Genopro might have questionnaire builder built around data fields about individual/family with check in options for optional data i.e. First/Last  name, sex, and similar data could be obligatory input fields and employment or medical data optional inputs...

Main idea is report switch that could generate a paper version or fill out form for individual or family, with as many fields possible...

Second step could be automation of process of data input from form with built in form one I saw in action in one institution... they used Abby form reader engine... ...