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Longevity of GenoPro
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By 1816203 - Thursday, July 27, 2017
Good evening, when I bought my registration key for GenoPro I was told it was for an unlimited duration! Now I see that it is not so then I ask myself the seriousness of GenoPro and the confidence I can bring to your software?
Thank you for answering me please!
By genome - Thursday, July 27, 2017
I moved your post to a new thread as it is a diferent topic to its original thread.

You have purchased GenoPro 2016 which you can use as long as you like without further cost.  You will also have access to its successor, GenoProX when available again without further cost.  What  other benefits were you looking for?
By 1816203 - Wednesday, August 2, 2017
I didn't buy a new registration key fot Genopro 2016! Il have already a key for my old Genopro 2011, but I don't access to my own website Genopro! Why?
When I try to publish my Familytree il receive this message:  Erreur à la ligne 67 (default.htm): Argument ou appel de procédure incorrect: '[string: "(null)"]'
    Erreur d'exécution Microsoft VBScript 800A0005
Could you explain me the problem and how I do to publish my Familytree? If it's possible, I prefer in french lenguage, please!
By genome - Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Please see thread How to fix Error at line 67 (default.htm) VBScript 800A0005 in the Narrative Report but note that the GenoPro 2011 Narrative Report is no longer maintained.

However you can install GenoPro 2016 in a different folder to GenoPro 2011 and use GenoPro 2016 without buying it just to generate reports from your Family Tree .gno file but continue to use GenoPro 2011 to maintain the data in your Family Tree.
By 1816203 - Thursday, August 3, 2017
Pourriez-vous supprimer complètement mon arbre généalogique GenoPro!
Ainsi je n'aurais plus ce problème récurrent et tout sera pour le mieux!
Merci de votre réponse,
By genome - Friday, August 4, 2017
You are able to delete your own family tree at and this site can also be reached by clicking 'My Profile' at the top right of this page and then clicking the 'GenoPro' tab.  Scroll down to 'Online Publications' and click View/Hide.  You can then delete your publication.

Google translate:

Vous pouvez supprimer votre propre arbre généalogique à et ce site peut également être contacté en cliquant sur 'Mon profil' en haut à droite de cette page, puis en cliquant sur 'GenoPro' languette. Faites défiler jusqu'à «Publications en ligne» et cliquez sur Afficher / Masquer. Vous pouvez ensuite supprimer votre publication.