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Giving someone Family Tree
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By RaphaelCarrozza - Wednesday, February 7, 2018
I've read my relative can download the free version of GenoPro. My question is, do I give them the registration key for my paid version, or do they just need to enter the username and password for the website that features my tree?

The end result is to print the tree. I know it can be done on the actual computer (I've watched the video on how to do that) but it does not seem to be able to print from the website. That is why I am not sure which registration/password they need to use.
By genome - Thursday, February 8, 2018
If you have a single user license for GenoPro, which I presume you have, then you cannot give your registration key to someone else without breaching the terms of your license agreement. The license is for your sole use.

However your relative does not need a registration key in order to view and print your GenoPro data using GenoPro.  He/she can download GenoPro and install it on their PC. Not having a registration key means they will not be able to save any changes they make to the tree and will see a 'nag' screen asking them to purchase GenoPro but they can freely view and print your data.

If you publish an HTML report of your family tree data to the web, e.g. to, using for example the Narrative Report template available in GenoPro then anyone can view that data unless you set a password on your website to limit access.  They can of course print from their browser copies of the web pages including the SVG images of your tree but formatting such an image to enlarge it etc is difficult compared with printing the graphic from GenoPro.

Hope this helps Smile