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not sure which license -- or even which version -- I need
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By a2jc4life - Sunday, March 11, 2018
I'm a new user, and I'm pretty overwhelmed by all the options, so I'm hoping someone more familiar with the nuances of the upgrades, releases, options, etc. can advise me.
  • I am a student.  GenoPro is not provided by my school, nor is it specifically required for a class.  However, I found it in the first place because the construction of genograms is being recommended in my course.  
  • My field is, in a nutshell, health coaching/counseling, so the health data tracking and the emotional relationship tracking are both useful features for me, academically (and, eventually, professionally).
  • I'm also an avid amateur genealogist, so features that further genealogy research are of interest to me.
Currently, I'm running the 2011 version I downloaded, with an evaluation license, but I'm aware that isn't an up-to-date version.  I don't really understand the differences, though, between GenoPro 2016, GenoProX, GenoProX Premium, etc. and all the various licensing options.  And I can't tell if I'm eligible for an academic license.  Any clarity someone can provide would be much appreciated!
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, March 13, 2018
The latest version is which is called GenoPro 2016.  This version was compiled in February 2018, however we still call it GenoPro 2016 because the changes were very minor.  We are working full time in GenoProX, so little development is done on the GenoPro 2016 series.

I understand there is confusion with the GenoProX series.  We are seriously considering having a flat fee of $1 per month for our VIP program, or offer the option of a one-time payment of $29 for the Family Edition and $49 for the Professional Edition (which includes the genogram features).

The good news is whatever amount you spend on GenoPro 2016 will be credited towards GenoProX.  For instance, if you spend $49, then you will have the option to pick which product(s) you want with our $49 credit.

As for the academic program, you may submit the course syllabus of your professor (or your syllabus if you teach) at
This way, everyone will get a free evaluation key of 6 months per year.

We also offer our unlimited academic site license to those wishing to distribute GenoPro to their students/clients.
By a2jc4life - Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Thank you!  That helps a lot.