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{DE} Familiengeschichte für GenoPro 2016/2020
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By genome - Wednesday, March 21, 2018
I noticed that there was no German Narrative Report in GenoPro 2016 so thought I'd see what I could do. The attached skin template contains an updated Dictionary.xml derived from the last published version by maru-san for GenoPro 2011. 

It runs without error on Harry Potter but I have mainly filled in the gaps with English phrases and have not attempted much in the way of translation as I have no knowledge of the German Language.  Hopely it will serve as a starter for someone. The ConfigMsgLocal.xml file needs more work too.

The update was initially done by comparing with the current English Dictionary.xml using Nand's FPS XMLDiff tool and then also my ReformatXML web app and the WinMerge utility. 

The attached zip file has folders {DE} Familiengeschichte and Narrative Common that should be unzipped into your GenoPro 2016 Report Skins folder.

Updated 5/4/2018 with Dictionary revisions 
By maru-san - Thursday, March 22, 2018
Ron, your translation for the narrative report sounds in German not very good, better try "Familiengeschichte".
It is not a translation, but it tells you what is in the report.
By genome - Thursday, March 22, 2018
Ok thanks, name now changed as suggested. Guess it is better not to rely on Google Translate too much Unsure
By maru-san - Sunday, March 25, 2018
Ron, over time I had updated my dictionary file to make it suitable for version 2016, but did not sent it to Genopro.
However there are still a few phrases to be translated, but they will not affect the report.

Is there a way to use this method instead of what is in the dictionary file, which is a compromise?
<PnR_M_M T="sein" P="seine" />  his father > sein Vater
<PnR_M_F T="seine" P="ihre" />   his mother > seine Mutter  
<PnR_F_M T="ihr" P="ihre" />       her father  > ihr Vater
<PnR_F_F T="ihre" P="ihre" />      her mother  > ihre Mutter

I tried this file with your above attached report.

Ron, I also had an issue with overlapping menu items, see below:solved this one, sorry
By genome - Wednesday, April 4, 2018
I have updated the Dictionary.xml inn the zip file in my first post to incorporate updates from your version but also corrected some tag values e.g. 
<hostile_distant T="kühles-feindseliges"/>
should be 
<HostileDistant T="kühles-feindseliges"/> 

i.e. 'Pascal' or 'Dromedary' case.

I also noticed you were using

<PnR_M T="sein(e)" P="ihre" />
<PnR_F T="ihr(e)" P="ihre" />

but if instead we use

<PnR_F T="ihr" P="ihre"/>
<PnR_M T="sein" P="ihre"/>

and use phrases such as 

  <PhParents T="{ &#32;}{\U}{!0}[ Vater {!1} {2h}][[{?2} und {!3}e] Mutter {!4} {5h}]."/>

instead of 

 <PhParents T="{ &#32;}{\U}{!0}[ Vater {!1} {2h}][[{?2} und {!3}] Mutter {!4} {5h}]." />

then I think this resolves the compromise.

I have applied this change in my version of Dictionary.xml but other phrases such as the various grandparent phrase will need review.
By maru-san - Thursday, April 5, 2018
Thanks, Ron.

Attached is my latest version.
By albertsali - Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Sorry, ich kann kein englisch, aber ich habe die 'dictionary.xml ' für mich übersetzt.

Mir ist klar, sie ist auf meine Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten, aber hauptsächlich weil Deutsch und Englisch nicht immer zusammen kommen.

Ich habe versucht sowenig wie möglich die 'Phrasen' zu ändern!

Emotional-  und Sozial- Beziehungen sind noch nicht übersetzt, weil ich sie noch nicht gebraucht habe.

Wenn ich schon zum ersten mal schreibe, ich habe ein Problem mit dem Verandtschaftsrechner (KingshipCalulator).

Für die Phrasen stehen folgende Variablen zur Verfügung:

0=1st individual,1=first/second/third (depth2-1), 2=difference, 3=2nd individual, 4=relationship prefix, 5=relationship suffix, 6=Ind1 Gender ID, 7=Ind2 Gender ID,8=relation to earlier level cousins

Es fehlt mir eine Variable   (depth+1)

Da ich nicht mit einer Phrase rechnen kann (oder geht das?) , muss ich einen Umweg gehen:

<KinshipCousin_M  T="[{0} ist ein  [[{?2=0}{8}{4}Cousin {1}. Grades][{!}{8}{4}Neffe {5}[{1}+1]. Grades]]][ von {3}.]"/>

<KinshipCousin1_MT="vom {4}Cousin {5} [{1}. Grades][{?!2=0}{\br}[{?2=1} (][{!}[{?2=2} (2x][{!} ({2}x ]]1 Generation entfernt) = {8}{4}Neffe {5}[{1}+1]. Grades][ von{3}.]"/>

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