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Updated Report Skins for GenoPro 2016/2018
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By genome - Thursday, August 30, 2018
The attached zip contains the latest versions of all GenoPro 2016 / 2018 Report Skins to replace those currently installed with GenoPro and has all the updated files that have been posted on this forum to date.

To use these updates download and unzip the attached zip file into your GenoPro Skins folder replacing the existing folders. If you do not know the location then run GenoPro and look under the Options tab of the Tools/Generate Report menu item.  You can also change the location of your skins folder by choosing another folder here.

If you have made your own changes to any of the report skins then ensure you back these up safely before installing these updates.

It is recommended that if you make your own alterations to skin template files then you do so in a copy of the original folder with a new name e.g. append [+] to the original name.

If you subsequently re-install GenoPro then you will need to re-apply these updates, unless of course if the GenoPro version includes these or later updates.
By genome - Sunday, October 21, 2018
Updated attachment in first post with all published changes up and including today. (2018.10.21)

N.B. re-uploaded after removing some redundant diagnostic warning messages from Narrative Report