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Multiple error messages when viewing tree on web
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By RaphaelCarrozza - Sunday, November 11, 2018
I use Chrome Operating System on my Chromebooks when viewing the Family Tree (FT) at GenoPro's web site.

I have a very old laptop running Win7 where I update the FT. After I enter the data I save the file, then make a back-up to GenoPro. Then I click the Generate button and GenoPro prepares the file for publishing at GenoPro site.

When everything is complete, The Win7 machine displays the image attached as Win7GenoPro.png.

However, when I open the file later, on either the Win7 machine or a Chromebook, I get this. But worse is a pop-up error message must be clicked 20-30 times before I can actually view my FT. How can this be fixed?
By genome - Sunday, November 11, 2018 seemed a little sluggish when I tried it earlier today but I could not generate the error you are reporting.

I recommend however that you download and install the latest skin templates, which includes the Narrative Report, from Updated Report Skins for GenoPro 2016/2018
By RaphaelCarrozza - Monday, November 12, 2018
I did as suggested. When the report was finished generating I got the same error message. HOWEVER, when I opened the file on my Chromebook, everything worked.

So thanks.
By genome - Monday, November 12, 2018
Glad to hear it is now working (on Chromebook at least). Maybe your Windows PC still had the old report in its browser cache thus still showed the error. Try clearing the cache.
By RaphaelCarrozza - Monday, November 12, 2018
Turns out my delight was premature. When I went to the website on the PC I got an error message. When I went there a second time I got two error messages before the tree opened.

When I opened on the Chromebook, I got a bunch of errors. I am attaching several screenshots. Each menu item would bring up several error messages. I am hoping the error message numbers can provide some guidance.
By genome - Monday, November 12, 2018
Ok, I am now puzzled by this.  The Narrative Report scripts use postMessage and receiveMessage functions to pass requests between the various HTML frames that make up the web page in order to manipulate the frames (e.g. open, close etc). The main default.htm frame intercepts these requests and implements them.  

However I have no idea where a request with the text 'setImmediate' originates from! default.htm does not recognise it as a valid request and so displays the alert.  That text string does not appear in any of the scripts used in the report.

Furthermore, I cannot reproduce the error you have when viewing your report using either Chrome, IE or Edge.

I have attached a version of default.htm that logs the error to the browser's developers console instead of triggering an alert message. If you download this and place it in your Report Skin's Narrative Common/Code folder overwriting the existing file of that name and then regenerate your report you should no longer see the error messages.
By RaphaelCarrozza - Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Under Skins2 
is the folder named Narrative Common. Under that is Code. However, Report Skins does not appear.
So, I am not sure where I should place the file you want me to download.
By genome - Tuesday, November 13, 2018
It replaces default.htm in your Narrative Common/Code folder that lives below your GenoPro 'Skins' folder. The latter is specified as per GenoPro's Tools menu item, Generate Report dialogue, Options tab in the 'Skin Folder' entry.
By RaphaelCarrozza - Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Under Skins2>Narriative Common>Code is a Chrome Html Document named default. Is that where this new file is to replace the current default?
By RaphaelCarrozza - Tuesday, November 13, 2018
In your message you said "If you download this and place it in your Report Skin's Narrative Common/Code..." 

When I click on the download link I get this. 
Won't that completely reinstall my GenoPro? If yes, then I don't have to actually find and download into skins2>Narrative>Code>Default, right? Or am I still not understanding what I have to do? 

By the way, does the GenoPro page I am displaying below actually look like that??
By genome - Tuesday, November 13, 2018
I don't know which 'download link' you tried to use but I meant download the attachment on my earlier post.  You should see default.htm at the bottom of the post. right click on it and choose 'save link as'

No, the GenoPro download page doesn't look like that Unsure

Yes overwrite 'default' file.  Your Windows Explorer is not showing file extensions so you are not seeing the .htm part of the name. You can change that under the Windows Explorer 'view' tab.
By RaphaelCarrozza - Tuesday, November 13, 2018
OK, maybe we can sit back and try to relax. This almost works. When I go to the GenoPro Website for Carrozza and click on the tree menu icon, the family name Carroza must be clicked to see the "tree".

This is what happens when I click the tree menu icon on the Win7 machine in the Chrome browser.

The tree icon only delivers the name index.

When I open the file on my Chromebook, in the Chromeb  browser, I get the correct page:

So, as long as the error pop-ups have been cured, as they seemingly have, I am a happy guy.

I wanted to thank you for sticking with me on this journey. I know it could not have been easy.

I am getting to an age where I have to consider turning this project over to another family member. I was reading about GenoPro Share and was thinking maybe I could give a couple of family members a "test" ride into the family tree while I decide who can take over the reins. As I understand GenoPro Share, while it has an additional cost will allow another family member to work within the framework without actually having to purchase a GenoPro Premium edition. Once someone take over, I will buy them the premium edition.