It is written as a free standing browser based Javascript app that can be loaded from the GenoPro familytrees website. All your data is held locally within the browser and nothing is sent over the internet so you can be sure it is safe. I recommend that you use Chrome to run the app and you can of course use Chrome's developer tools to inspect the scripts used but be warned I am an old hobbyist coder so it isn't a pretty sight!
I originally loaded a lot of data into GenoPro from Gedcom files many years ago and was very disappointed with the amount of data discarded. e.g. only the last
OCCUpation tag per individual was processed, the last
CENSus and
RESIdence tags were just held as custom tags and picture details were not processed with only some data from the last
OBJEct tag being retained again as custom tags.
My script attempts to retain every scrap of data in an easily accessible form. Multiple
OCCU and
EDUC tags are catered for. Multiple
CENS and
RESI tags are converted to Contacts/Occupancy entries. Picture details are captured from
OBJE tags. All standard Gedcom tags that cannot be represented directly by GenoPro are retained as follows,
are converted to '
custom events' using Occupation entries, family events i.e. CENS|DIVF|ENGA|EVEN|MARB|MARC|MARL|MARS|SLGS are also converted to '
custom events' using Union entries. Other standard Gedcom tags are held under a _GED_ tag and referenced in a custom tag Dialogue labelled
Gedcom Facts
An additional genomap called
Gedcom stuff is created to hold information from the header as a Social Entity with extra Individual(s) for the Submitter(s) (SUBM) and Social Entity for Submissions (SUBN). Any custom/non-standard level 0 tags in the Gedcom will be set as Social Entity custom tags.
So if you'd like to give it a try can can launch it from the
{EN} App Launcher skin