By genome - Tuesday, January 15, 2019
This is an open thread for discussion and support of the Gedcom to GenoPro converter introduced here.
By appleshaw - Tuesday, January 15, 2019
What did I do wrong? I have created a series of ged files from census downloads. I have attached the first file I tried to convert and the image shows how far I got. (I tried starting from the skin and got put into my default Firefox browser which does not show the start message) The gedcom will load into Genopro directly
By genome - Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Hmmm, looks like the Gedcom to JSON parser that I 'borrowed' from elsewhere does not like lower case in the tag identifiers e.g. @ind00001@ but @IND00001@ is OK.
Not sure if this is in the Gedcom spec. but I will change it to allow lower case. Update: script has been amended. Just make sure you clear your browser cache before retrying.
By appleshaw - Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Sorted Thanks
By appleshaw - Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Took me some time to find the result. I was taking files from D: and the result was in C: Downloads, which, after searching, I find can be accessed from the the program. Doh!! An option to place the gno file in the same folder as the ged file would, in my case, stop filling up the Downloads. To repeat conversion I had to refresh and then click the opening message box. An option to click the result box (or some alternate) to rerun would save one operation. I have hundreds to convert
I was worried that the converted file was called, as in the result box, Genopro .gno. However file name is preserved
By genome - Tuesday, January 15, 2019
It is the user via the browser not the HTML or javascript running on the page that can control where a downloaded file resides. If this were not the case then it would be a security risk as the code could change important files. Each browser has a default download location that can be set by the user in the browser settings. You can also request in the settings that the browser asks for the location before downloading. I have my browser set with that option so that I can control where files are downloaded to. Once I navigate to the desired location in the first 'Save As' dialogue then subsequent reruns use that same folder.
I will look into having a rerun option button but I suggest you merge your many .ged files into a single .ged by copying and pasting the contents, excluding the HEAD, SUBM AND TRLR entries from all but the first and then converting that.
By appleshaw - Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Tried merging ged files but have lost the family structure. I opened the first file and deleted '0 TRLR' Then opened the second file and copied everything after '0 @ind00002@ INDI' and pasted at the end...etc *4 Seems to have all individuals but the family structure is buried
By genome - Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Do you have unique IDs for each Individual and family in your .ged files?
Does GenoPro's own gedcom import produce something different?
By appleshaw - Wednesday, January 16, 2019
When you think about it the problem here is that each original gedcom has the same set of ids so the family tags will be very confused when they are combined. Importing my original gedcom into GenoPro works well with minimum keyboard involvement and the display is as expected. The only problem is that the RESI tag ends up in the Custom tags. The corrected ged2gno files open correctly but each one is in a new file. I have tried dragging - same result a new file is created and also import but that only recognizes ged files. I suspect that for my case I might need to look again at my original idea of importing the gedcom and editing the xml file. In theory there is only one change needed but it affects several parts of the file; place & source, but need closer look. I edited a ged file to change numbering of @ind & @fam tags and this combined file opens correctly. Not a viable solution, although it does show what is needed here.
By genome - Wednesday, January 16, 2019
You can of course use the XML Toolkit to convert RESI tags to contacts (see Gedcom fixes tab)
But I notice that when GenoPro imports RESI tags it ignores the SOURce tag and when importing OCCU as Occupation it ignores both SOURce and NOTE tags !!
Can you say how you generated .ged files from your census downloads? There may be a way of producing unique IDs for the entries
By appleshaw - Thursday, January 17, 2019
Is my face red?! I had missed that the XML toolkit sorted out the RESI tag. The gedcom I use are derived from FindMyPast htm downloads. I exported a small family from Genopro as ged and used that as a template of files to produce. I attempted looking at the specification but decided that as I was only interested in the limited items from a census this was an unnecessary complication, and as the files import easily there was no point in torturing myself. The program creates two temporary files, the first one having ind data and the second the family data; these are then combined with header and footer. As the 1841 census is more limited in family data I have not allowed for this set. The 1911 census has a different version. I have been using BBC Basic since it first came out and the latest versions include enough Windows routines to avoid getting into the API. The user input is as low as possible. Having browsed to the folder with the htm files the program creates the ged file there; renames the htm as htmc so it does not reappear on return to the browse window; prompts for next file. The standard import into Genopro is easy, having found the first file in a sequence it returns to the same folder for the next one. This one name study started with over 7000 files, although some are duplicates as the same family can be found searching London or surrounding counties
By Olivierm - Saturday, January 20, 2024
I want to use ged2gno to import the picture along with my gedcom but I was not able to use ged2gno: if I use the webpage i get this error: |
By genome - Sunday, January 21, 2024
Hi,I believe the error was due to invalid/non standard content in your gedcom file. The GedCom 5.5.1 standard states that the NAME tag should have a non-blank text field. My script assumed this non blank field would be present. I have amended the code to allow for this case and also discovered another issue with NAME tag processing which I believe is also now fixed. |
By Olivierm - Sunday, January 21, 2024
Thank you.
I tried your program on a Chronoplex "My Family Tree" gedcom export in gedcom 5.5.1 - because chronoplex is very close to perfection in Gedcom export  and it works: the pictures ARE included in the Gedcom Import! I am very happy. However the gedcom convertor apparently does not take into account the UTF-8 characters . For instance, it translates Joséphine in Joséphine. In the individual's properties screen many tags are apparently not taken into account, like OCCU etc. The same for sources and notes. However, when I generate a narrative report, all informations are listed correctly in the html pages (allways with the accented characters issue) |
By genome - Monday, January 22, 2024
Hi Olivier, Thanks for reporting these issues. I have made further changes and I think UTF-8 characters are now handled correctly. I am unable to find any problems with OCCU, SOUR or NOTE tag conversion. If these a still an issue perhaps you could attach a sample .ged file that exhibits the problem when converted via this utility. Ron
By Olivierm - Monday, January 22, 2024
Thank you Ron. I will test it this WE.
By Olivierm - Friday, January 26, 2024
Hello Ron,
It works perfectly. Thank you very much. Is it possible to create a HTML version of the Genomap including the thumbnail pictures ? |
By genome - Friday, January 26, 2024
A bit of a faff, but may be of some help.
By Olivierm - Friday, January 26, 2024
Hello Ron,When I use the "Picture Mode" in Genopro, the thumbnails are shown as it should (although a bit too small) But when I publish my data on my site (with the narrative report skin), the genomap does not show the pictures anymore. Is there a way to publish the thumbnails on the published genomap ? Thank you for your continuous help
By Olivierm - Saturday, January 27, 2024
I must slightly modify my reply:
The UTF-8 characters are displayed correctly, BUT in NAME fields, the character after the accented characters appear in capital characters, like the following examples. |
By genome - Sunday, January 28, 2024
Well quite a bit of head scratching over this UTF-8 issue. It turns out the Javascript 'regular expressions' don't play well with UTF-8 encoded text.
The problem was in a routine I was using to convert names to 'proper' or 'title' case as some GedComs I've seen have surnames in all upoercase. I've uploaded yet another update which hopefully fixes this. I now first check that the name is actually all uppercase and have modified the regular expression used to do the conversion. AS regards 'picture mode' in the Narrative Report, this is one of several changes to GenoPro since the Narrative Report was written and I don't recall anyone else requesting this feature. I'll have a look to see what's involved and see what I can come up with.
By Olivierm - Monday, January 29, 2024
Thank you, Ron. the latest ged2gno works perfectly, no errors anymore.
By 2441204 - Wednesday, January 31, 2024
genome (28-Jan-2024)
AS regards 'picture mode' in the Narrative Report, this is one of several changes to GenoPro since the Narrative Report was written and I don't recall anyone else requesting this feature. I'll have a look to see what's involved and see what I can come up with. Hello Ron, Do you think there is a chance you can handle this ? Olivier