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Genopro doesn't open, justs sits in taskbar
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By 1936973 - Sunday, January 27, 2019

Windows 10, I click on Genopro and it opens in my taskbar, but not on my desktop.  Clicking Genopro's taskbar windows (above) doesn't do anything.  The program just seems to be "ghosting", and it just started doing this today after I've been using it for days.  Re-installing Genopro and restarting my computer didn't solve it.
By genome - Monday, January 28, 2019
Try using Windows Registry Editor to delete the following items after closing GenoPro




Then reopen GenoPro
By 2340779 - Thursday, September 5, 2024
Hi, just wanted to say, that i found this error and solution with a google search and it worked just a few minutes ago.  Thank you!