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Change to emails related to licence key
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By Leong_family - Tuesday, April 2, 2019

I have got a licence that was purchased a few years ago with an old email address.

I also use this email address to post my family tree online.

I am about to change/lose that email address. My questions are:

1. How does this effect my license (if at all)?
2. Can I change the email address used to post online reports? If so, how please?

By appleshaw - Tuesday, April 2, 2019
You can leave the email address as is because it is used by GenoPro as a means of identifying you. However if you go to
You can change your email address
By turnbull - Wednesday, January 22, 2020
When I try to access our family tree online, I receive Error 404? Has something changed?
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, January 23, 2020
Yesterday was a rough day for our server.  Our server hard crashed 7 times in the morning where a simple network ping would not respond.  We had to perform our reboot by cutting the power.  In the past decade I cannot recall once having to do a reboot by cutting the power, and yesterday morning it happened 7 times.  To minimize the time between crashes and also diagnose the problem, we started to disable some services, shut down some databases and mempools and turn off websites, including (this website has over 10 million files).  This helped to reduced the load on the server and we were able to run the machine without any crash since then.  Meanwhile we have ordered a new machine with faster CPU, more memory and faster NVMe SSD drives.