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Copying & Inserting A Genogram into a Word Document
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By 578814
Thursday, June 6, 2019
I was able to copy genograms with Genpro 2016 and insert them into Microsoft Word 2007.
I can no longer do this with Word 2016. The genogram at best shows only a small portion, or is totally blank.
Tried it with Genpro 2016, 2018 and 2019. Is there any Genpro setting which affects the process, or is this a Microsoft issue?
By GenoProSupport
Thursday, June 6, 2019
To our best knowledge it is an issue with Word 2016 because other people have reported this
In a nutshell, Word picks the incorrect clipboard format when pasting.
Here is a partial solution:
I believe Microsoft fixed the bug, however I cannot remember where I read it.
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