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No photos in report
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By 1367111 - Tuesday, October 29, 2019

When I view this link for my genogram, the photos are not in the tree.  How do I get the photos to work in this linked version?  They are on the original version on my computer.

Thank you,

By genome - Tuesday, October 29, 2019
After downloading your linked .gno, use GenoPro menu option Tools / Relink Pictures to access the pictures stored on familytrees

i.e. enter folder names as shown below then click the relink button.
By 1367111 - Monday, November 25, 2019
Thank you, that did work!  Now, when I try to generate a web report with that newly saved file, I get this Message.  Any tips?

Page not found or moved

The page you requested no longer exists because the author may have renamed or deleted his/her publication.

By genome - Monday, November 25, 2019
The report has actually been generated under your user id folder, not your email.  see

When generating a report, use your user id, not your email to log in to avoid the Report Generator attempting to use the wrong url to display the report.