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Saving Format
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By AstuteAndActive - Saturday, November 16, 2019
Is there a way to transfer the file to an un-editable version so that it can be viewed without fear of accidentally shifting things or otherwise messing up the family tree?
By appleshaw - Sunday, November 17, 2019
As ever there are several options, depending on what you want.
Simplest option is to open the Edit menu and the bottom option is 'Read-Only Protect'. If this is selected you can not edit the display.
If this is too drastic then find your gno file in File Explorer, right click to open the menu and select Properties. In Attributes select Read Only and then click box Apply. You will be able to edit the display but can not save without using a new name, preserving the original
Third option, which is good practice in addition, is to make a back-up using the File menu and select Online Backup...
By AstuteAndActive - Sunday, November 17, 2019
Is there a way to save it as jpeg, docx, or pdf?

By Martyn - Monday, November 18, 2019

Jpeg is not ideal, as it is pixel based and does not allow increased detail when you zoom in.
Docx is slightly better, but it tends to be limited by the maximum paper size of your installed printer, even though you may not want to print the document.

My choice would be to use PDF format, as it is a vector image format which allows zooming and panning without loss of detail on large documents.

Although the initial effort to create output in PDF format may be greater, the end results, especially on large Genograms, is much better as you can zoom and pan on the results with good detail.

The method used to create a PDF is to install a PDF printer driver, which creates PDF's on your PC when you print to it, and then use GenoPro's printing options to print to the PDF printer option which will appear in.your print menu "Printers" option
This will take you through the process of creating a PDF file of your Genogram, naming it, and saving the file.

Personally, I use PDF995 (free version) and ignore the adverts, as this program allows you to create PDF's up to a maximum of 200 inches x 200 inches (possibly depending on computer memory).
(The largest that I have created is 200" x 36")

I have attached a document describing how to install PDF995 and use it to create large format PDF's, which I wrote in 2016 to help another forum member.
(My 2016 document refers to PDF995 version 16, the current version of PDF995 is now 19.1)
