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Gedcom tweaks
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By genome - Saturday, December 14, 2019
When working on my tree recently I encountered one or two problems with my 'Ged2Gno' Gedcom import 'app' (see particularly relating to dates on RESI tags (imported as Contacts) and picture details generally but I also added one or two further tweaks to the code.  The improved script is now available at or via the GenoPro 'App Launcher' Report skin.

Whilst working on this I noticed an issue with export of Contacts in that dates were ignored, so I have attached a revised 'Export to Gedcom' skin to correct this. Just download and unzip into your GenoPro Report Skins folder as usual.  It should then show in the drop down list as 

\{EN} Export to Gedcom\*  (2019.12.12)  {EN}