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Genopro 2018 with Macintosh and Parallels
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By roge - Thursday, March 19, 2020
I wrote the same por in a wrong place before.


For years I have been using a Genorpo registration key ( A....62) with a PC. Now I'm using it with a Macintosh computer with Parallels. I try to use Genopro 2018 and the system ask to me for purchasing a new registration key (15$)
I would like to know if I need to do it or I can use my original registration key. The program works properly and I can manage more than 100 family members.

Maybe do you have a Genopro Mac version?


By genome - Sunday, March 22, 2020
I suspect that the key you have is for GenoPro 2011 and is valid for purchases of GenoPro between 2000 and 2015. There is no GenoPro 2018, however to use GenoPro 2016 and its update GenoPro 2019 requires the purchase of a a new key to avoid the nag screen.

If you do not want to purchase a new key for GenoPro 2019 goto to install GenoPro 2011 on Parallels. 

You can still use the updated report templates installed with GenoPro 2019 whilst using GenoPro 2011 by installing GenoPro 2011 after GenoPro 2019 but in a different folder.  GenoPro 2019 report templates all have a language code prefix e.g. {EN} ..  and should appear in the drop down list of templates.

N.B. Report templates installed with GenoPro 2011 are no longer maintained and may not work correctly.
By roge - Monday, March 23, 2020
Thanks, I bought a new license. I'm very satisfied with Genopro.