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the latest version of geno pro 2018 have not two icons (photo and @)
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By jurela - Tuesday, March 24, 2020
the latest version of geno pro 2018 have not  two icons (photo and @)
see please att. file
By genome - Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Oh yes it does!

Once again it would appear that you have forgotten to clear your browser cache, or at least do a 'hard refresh' of the page (Ctrl & F5 keys)

I can only assume that you previously published the report without photos and contacts and you have that page in your cache.
By jurela - Tuesday, March 24, 2020
A lot of thanks!
Are you right!
By 1608659 - Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Ayuda por favor

Como puedo agregar en mi reporte Nombre y fecha de antepasados fallecidos en el calendario