By Jackson - Wednesday, October 14, 2020
It is possible.
By genome - Monday, October 19, 2020
Allegedly you should be able to project/cast your Windows desktop and hence GenoPro wirelessly to a Smart TV that has 'MiraCast' functionality but I have been unable to to do so to my Samsung Smart TV (2019 vintage). The connection is attempted but always fails. Googling this many suggest that Microsoft has messed this up with Windows 10. It did work with Windows 8 apparently.
It should however be possible with HDMI dongles such as ChromeCast but as yet I have not tested this. If all else fails simply use a HDMI cable from laptop/PC to TV
Zoom has screen sharing for Internet 'casting'.
By maru-san - Monday, October 19, 2020
I was able to use the cast function with my smartphone, but it failed to do so with my laptop.
By Jackson - Monday, October 19, 2020
I Can Cast PC to TV for Youtube, and photo's. But not GenpPro which is what I want to do. HMDI I need a 10m cable. Wifi is the way to go.
By maru-san - Monday, October 19, 2020
After looking into my setup and updating driver files I managed to cast laptop to TV. Genopro was working ok.