By 2231355 - Thursday, December 10, 2020
Hi there,
I have an assignment coming due and I was instructed to use the free version of your software to do it, so time is of the essence for me, and I hope you can help. I have downloaded the free version, created my basic genogram, but I have no access to any icons beyond the health icons on the bottom row. The other rows, including the relatiaonship icon row is greyed out and unavailable to me. Another student doing this same assignment has followed the same instructions for using the free version and has full access. Can you help me? |
By 2231355 - Thursday, December 10, 2020
Hey I figured it out thanks! You have to click on the individual person, then the toolbar activates. Hope this helps someone else. thanks!
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, December 10, 2020
Can you please post a screenshot of the problem?