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Hyperlinks to Label and Pictures on the GenoMap
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By alport - Friday, January 22, 2021
How can I add hyperlinks to labels and pictures which I placed on my GenoMap?
By genome - Saturday, January 23, 2021
You cannot do that directly, as only individuals can be hyperlinked.  However there are possibly ways around it, depending on what it is you want to achieve. 

So what is it that you want to do?   Be able to click a label or picture and jump to another part of the genomap? or click and jump to an external web page or genomap?  or click another object on the genomap and jump to a label or picture?  Do you want to do this just within the GenoPro app itself or for genomaps on a generated Narrative Report?
By alport - Saturday, January 23, 2021
Thank you for advising.  I only wanted to add few external links to future images or labels, and only on the published genomap diagram.  I understand that I have to do that first on the desktop app:

It is not a vital feature, of course, but would enhance GenoPro use for me.  


By alport - Saturday, January 23, 2021
If I can write HTML href 
code into the image or label description that would be great, too.

alport (23-Jan-2021)
Thank you for advising.  I only wanted to add few external links to future images or labels, and only on the published genomap diagram.  I understand that I have to do that first on the desktop app:

It is not a vital feature, of course, but would enhance GenoPro use for me.  


By genome - Sunday, January 24, 2021
I can offer two solutions to this requirement.

1. Use an 'Individual' object positioned near or over the label/picture with an external hyperlink set to the required link. The display can be modified to remove genogram symbol and reduce display lines to 1 and also set 'label / exclude from report' property

2. Use a modified genomap.svg script (attached) to replace existing script in Common\Code folder within your Report Skins folder and then create custom tag _URL for pictures and labels and set that custom tag on labels/pictures to the required link.  the Comment/Description content of the Label or Picture will be used as the 'tool tip'  when hovering over the object. I will include the updated genomap.svg script in any future updates to the Report skins.

n.b. Option 1 works from within GenoPro as well as in a published Narrative Report whereas option 2 is for Narrative Reports only.

I have also attached a sample .gno illustrating these options and you can view a Narrative Report generated from that .gno at Clickable Pictures and Labels
By alport - Monday, January 25, 2021
Thank you very much for the very useful suggestions.  I am particularly interested in Option 1.  When I was trying that, I could not find the 'label / exclude from report' property.  I suspect that this allows me to exclude this 'fake' individual included in the report, which would be very important.  Could you explain that a little more, how to do that, where is that property, and how to exclude 'fake' individuals from the report. 

Kind regards

By alport - Monday, January 25, 2021
Sorry, I have just found this exclusion option in the Family tab.  

alport (25-Jan-2021)
Thank you very much for the very useful suggestions.  I am particularly interested in Option 1.  When I was trying that, I could not find the 'label / exclude from report' property.  I suspect that this allows me to exclude this 'fake' individual included in the report, which would be very important.  Could you explain that a little more, how to do that, where is that property, and how to exclude 'fake' individuals from the report. 

Kind regards
