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Transferring a genogram from Word back to GenoPro
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By arnemeryl - Thursday, January 6, 2022
I created a family genogram complete with wedding pictures in 2019.  I stored a copy in Word.  It is beautiful, but I cannot add updated information since 2019 in Word.  I want to cut and paste the genogram from Word to GenoPro so that I can add new information that will bring it up to date.  How can I transfer the genogram from Word to GenoPro?
By genome - Thursday, January 6, 2022
When you copy and paste a genogram from GenoPro to Word all that is copied is a vector drawing of the image (.emf format). The actual data behind the GenoMap is not copied or 'stored' in Word.  So unless you can find a saved copy of your .gno file then you will have to recreate it in GenoPro from scratch using the Word image as a visual guide.
By arnemeryl - Friday, January 7, 2022
Thank you.  It was not what I had hoped to hear, but I thank you for providing information I did not have.