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Genomap photos lost on web published report
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By lamour - Saturday, April 2, 2022

Hi all. I'm a newbie so apologies if this is an silly question. I cannot find any solution on the forum.

I've linked my web report above; the genomap is lacking the pictures I added (using 'picture mode') in genopro. Is it even possible to have pictures as part of the genomap? Familytrees tells me I've uploaded 0 photos and I've seen other users have uploaded photos. Is this how to then add photos to the genomap? If so, how do I go about this?

Many thanks in advance for your help! Smile
By genome - Monday, April 4, 2022
Unfortunately the Narrative Report currently has no support for 'Picture Mode'. Sad

You can instead display the Primary picture alongside the genogram symbol by right clicking on it and then choosing 'Display Primary Picture'.  Such pictures will be displayed in the Narrative Report.
By lamour - Monday, April 4, 2022
Hi there,

Thanks a lot for your reply! Adding photos in the way you suggested is perfect for me Smile