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Errors found in posted family tree
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By Chewie - Thursday, February 23, 2023
I am new to Gen Pro , I found it by accident.

I have found my name as well as other living family members posted on  a tree on GenoPro and my family is very upset esp. in this day and age of identity theft.
Also the tree has many ,many errors in it about my family . I sent an email to the person but it bounced back as the email is no long long active ???

Not sure what to do
By bogistad - Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Unfortunately, there is nothing much you can do. I had similar problems in the past with a relative's tree who was upset his family's details were included in a number of family trees without his knowledge or approval. You may also find that your details are on other genealogy sites such as Ancestry and MyHeritage in addition to GenoPro. 

As for the inaccuracies, a lot of "genealogists" seem to turn this into a numbers game, focusing on how many individuals they can include in their trees rather than serious research. They copy each others' inaccurate data at face value, without doing their own investigation and sourcing, and therefore perpetuating errors. So you may ask someone to correct his tree but of course that doesn't flow onto others.

How did this person get your details in the first place?
By GenoProSupport - Friday, March 31, 2023
If you need to remove a page, I can do manually and delete one page in the publication.