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Government Discounts?
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By jberry - Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Do you have government discounts? I only see an academic discount on the forums. 

Thanks! Jeff
By GenoProSupport - Monday, April 24, 2023
We offer discount to charity organizations. If your organization has 50% or more of its income from charity, then we will consider your organization as charity.
By jberry - Thursday, June 15, 2023
Is this software HIPPA compliant?

By GenoProSupport - Monday, June 19, 2023
GenoPro is not HIPPA per se, however if your computer is, then GenoPro is. All GenoPro files (*.gno) are stored locally on your computer and it is impossible for us (GenoPro) to access them. Those .gno files are just .zip files containing XML data. If you keep your computer safe from hackers, then your GenoPro files are safe. We do not store GenoPro files in the "cloud" or on our server.

You are welcome to backup your genealogy trees (or genograms) to our server.  Your backups are private to you and we will never share or sell any information that your backups may contain.  You also own the content of your backups and you can delete them anytime. When sending a genealogy file to another user  (genealogy tree or genogram) to someone, we temporary store the file to our server.  Again, the content of the file sent is private to you and the recipient.

Just to be clear, performing a backup or sending a .gno file cannot be done by accident: the user must provide a valid email address to our server, and then the server will generate a random password and email it to the user. Once the user has successfully typed his/her email and password, then he/she can do a backup and/or send a .gno file by email to someone else.
By afransen - Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Hi, we're a charitable organisation and an ACCO (Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation) working closely with universities on research projects. Would we be eligible for a discount? is there someone that I could email directly in regards to this? we would like an organisational licence?
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, January 18, 2024
Charity organizations do qualify to purchase our site license at the academic price.