By 36323 - Monday, May 29, 2023
Hi, I have been using GenoPro Gold 2011 on an old Windows laptop and I love it. I just bought a new MacBook Pro (M2 chip) and have tried to install GenoPro using Crossover. I have tried using my licenced version and also the free trial (happy to buy a new version of the product if that is what is needed to get it working.
Has anyone got this working … and if so, can you give me some advice. I love the product and am reluctant to change. |
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, May 31, 2023
If you are able to run GenoPro 2011 on your MacBook, you will be able to run GenoPro 2020. If you are unsure, just install the free GenoPro 2020 and you will see. You can always install GenoPro 2011 on top of GenoPro 2020 if you want to use this version. The GenoPro installer always removes the previous version in the folder you are installing, so there are no leftovers and it won't delete your files. You can also have GenoPro 2011 and GenoPro 2020 simultaneously installed. On my computer I have more than 10 versions of GenoPro, from the first version in 1998 to the latest one.
By NoraOhara - Sunday, November 3, 2024
Hi Denis, Try using a Windows virtual machine like Parallels or VMware Fusion for GenoPro, as Crossover can be quite tricky. Or check the Crossover compatibility database for any specific tweaks. Good luck! |