By GenoProUser - Thursday, August 3, 2023
Dear Madam, Sir, Currently I attend a training program for systemic work for which family heritage forms a huge foundation. To collect my own family history I stumbled upon GenoPro. I would very much like to try it as a tool for my course. If it fulfills my needs I will happily tell my fellow students and am willing to invest in a proper license. So far, so good. Unfortunately, I find the duration of a standard trial license (2 weeks) too short to really get into the program and testing all aspects and specifics, especially since I have a full time job and family obligations next to my training.Therefore, is it possible to make an exception and provide a student trial license that runs for half a year? |
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Feel free to use the following evaluation key which is valid for 6 months: 3-WABP-5YRX-4H7L-TMP
By GenoProUser - Thursday, August 10, 2023
Thank you! I have downloaded the software and will start creating my family map. |