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GenoPro X Crowdfunding
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By Xanterine - Saturday, September 9, 2023
I would like to know if GenoProX is already released or is still in development, in the latter case, it is possible to get an early version of the product by supporting the development project with a crowdfunding?
By vlepore - Thursday, January 4, 2024
God created the world in 7 days. They promised themselves to create GenoproX in 7 months with a small crowdfunding: 7 years have passed and perhaps now they have forgotten about it or have changed jobs.
They wanted to do Genopro+FB+X+Zoom+ Skype+?, then they realized that everything was already there.
All that was missing was a shared Genopro DB, but that was too small a project!
Every now and then someone tells us they're working on it, so we can keep hoping.