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mistake in Genogram Symbols on website?
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By GenoProUser - Sunday, September 10, 2023

On the page is a basic presentation on the Genogram Symbols. At the right side of the figure explaining these symbols Identical Twins are shown. However, the symbol uses both a male and a female. In my understanding the gender of an identical twin is always the same, either male of female, never a combination.

With kind regards,
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, September 14, 2023
Wow, you are very sharp! One of our employee did the page and this error slipped through. I cannot find the original .gno file. We will fix it when we will retouch the page. Thanks again for reporting this error.
By jfreilly - Friday, February 7, 2025
It is super rare but identical twins can be of different sex, How? it is possible that genetic mutation occurs after the fertilized egg splits.

There is an explanation here which also explains that there are likely problems for one of the children which is tough.,and%20one%20female%20identical%20twin.

Anyway this is just an FYI. I try to keep up with this kind of thing for work reasons.