By Nand - Monday, September 25, 2023
"{NL-BE} Verhalend Rapport\ConfigMsgLocal.xml"
- ADDED: Skin.ReportGenerator.GenerationMessages.WarningOldCharts - ADDED: Skin.ReportGenerator.ParameterDescriptions.ContentSettings.Republish - ADDED: Skin.ReportGenerator.ParameterDescriptions.PresentationSettings.SplitDetailPopup - ADDED: Skin.ReportGenerator.ParameterDescriptions.PresentationSettings.SplitIndexDetail - CHANGED: Skin.ReportGenerator.ParameterDescriptions.Description.Comments - CHANGED: Skin.ReportGenerator.ParameterDescriptions.MapSettings.LocationMapsType - CHANGED: Skin.ReportGenerator.ParameterDescriptions.PresentationSettings.ForceFrames - CHANGED: Skin.ReportGenerator.ParameterDescriptions.PresentationSettings.TitlePosition - CHANGED: Skin.ReportGenerator.ParameterDescriptions.ThemeSettings.StyleSheet - RESTORED: Skin.DateLastModified
--- NL ---
De laatste versie van de {NL-BE} kit vind je onderaan dit item.
BELANGRIJK: Deze kit bevat enkel de XML bestanden met de vertalingen. Deze bestanden moeten samengevoegd worden met de laatste versie van de skin structuur die beschikbaar is in topic
Het document "nieuwe-skin.pdf" in de "{NL-BE} _ Handleidingen" map bevat verdere instructies voor het in gebruik nemen van een nieuwe skin of versie. --- EN ---
The latest version of the NL-BE kit can be found attached to this post. IMPORTANT: The kit only contains translated message files and updates. In order to obtain a working environment, these files must be merged with the latest version of the skins structure which can be obtained from topic