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genotab skin issue
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By Olivierm - Monday, January 29, 2024

When I launch the Genotab Skin (version 2021.05.18) I get the following error :

Error at line 846, position 5 (Code\G2toTab.js) generating 'json.js': Object doesn't support this property or method
Microsoft JScript runtime error 800A01B6

Is there something I should modify in my settings ?

Thank you in advance.
By genome - Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Hands up, this is down to me. My script is tripping over when the .gno has no Title.  I'll fix that but meanwhile add a title via File/Properties   Document tab.

N.B. The report must be published directly to your account on, not to a local folder or other FTP site.
By Olivierm - Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Thank you Ron, 

It works perfectly.

I keep wondering why Genopro has not become a leading genealogy program over the past years. Or why it does not team up with one or another leading program that has no acceptable web publishing tool.